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Jess rolled over in her bed and found herself wide awake as her stomach started screaming at her. She jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. She didn't have time to lock the door before she was on her knees vomiting into the toilet. She didn't hear the footsteps but suddenly someone was on the floor beside her and there was a hand rubbing her back.

"It'll pass soon Jess. Promise." Karen pushed a glass of water in front of Jess and pulled her daughters hair back from her sweaty face. Jess nodded and took two deep breaths before pulling the flush handle. She took a piece of toilet roll to wipe her mouth before taking two gulps of water. She leant back on to her knees and leant in to her Mum who put her arms around her. She looked up at her Mum and found herself crying. "Sorry..." She pulled away and started wiping her eyes.

Karen put a hand on her arm. "We will talk about this sweetheart, but you need to stop apologising. What's done is done..." She took Jess' arms and helped her off the floor. "Now go get yourself dressed and I'll sort some breakfast.


Jess stood sideways looking into the mirror. As she ran her hand over her usually flat stomach she could feel and see a definite curve. It was barely there...but it was still there.

"Jess?" She turned around and saw Bex standing in the doorway. She pulled her school shirt on and smiled at her sister.

"You ok?"

Bex nodded. She sat down on the bed. "I wish you'd told me..."

Jess nodded. She could feel more tears welling up. "I only did the test that morning...I didn't want to believe it. It felt like if I told someone...anyone then it would be real." Jess finished buttoning her shirt before slipping the tie around her neck.

Bex stood up and hugged her sister. "I love you." She leant her forehead against Jess'. "How are you going to tell Dad?"

Jess laughed. "Good question. I think I'm going to ask Mum if we can either get him round here without Maria or do it in her office...I don't fancy Maria's opinion on how much of a slut I am again."

Bex nodded. There was no mistaking that Maria and Jess quite simply did not get on. However Jess hadn't told anyone quite how bad it was. A teenage pregnancy was not going to help that and all of them knew it.


"Ok kids I'll see you later." Karen turned the car off as they had pulled into the space. Bex and Harry grabbed their bags with shouts of 'Bye Mum' and dived out of the car to meet their friends. Jess stayed sat for a moment. Karen turned to her. "What's on your mind?"

Jess looked at her Mum...she couldn't get over how supportive she had been, Jess felt like she didn't deserve it. "I was wondering if we could talk at lunchtime...I mean with Dad...in your office, if you're not busy?"

Karen nodded. "As it happens I am completely free...I will check with him. I'll text you in morning break ok." She pulled Jess into a hug. "I want you to know that I'm proud of you Jess...I always will be."

Jess sniffed as the tears started again. "You shouldn't be...I've screwed up everything...they're all right. I am a slut."

Karen lifted her daughter's head and looked straight into her eyes. "No...you don't listen to any of them. You have dealt with this like an adult...you've faced up to it and you're not running away. We all make mistakes Jess...it's how we deal with them that makes us the people we are." She ran a hand down the side of Jess' face. "Now you have registration and I will talk to your Dad ok?"

Jess nodded and gave her Mum a final hug before getting out of the car.

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