C 6

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Jess swallowed hard as her Mum pulled the family car into the school gates. It seemed quite clear to her that not all of the nausea was down to morning-sickness. Today was the verdict day of the Fisher's custody case and once Jess had dropped the kids at school she was driving to the courthouse. Both Charlie and Karen had applied for custody, however Jess had written a letter stating that she wished to stay with her Mum. She couldn't be in the house with her Dad...and Maria. Jess felt a rising lump as she thought back to Maria, one day she would talk about everything. If the custody case went the wrong way then it might be a day sooner than she had wanted.

Karen pulled into the parking case and looked round at her kids. She smiled before speaking. "I want you three to know that I love you all very much, I want whatever is best for you, and part of this is your decision. I wont stop any of you from seeing you Dad...whatever happens." Bex and Harry smiled back and gave her quick hugs and a kiss before jumping out of the car. However Jess stayed. Karen looked towards her youngest daughter. She knew in her heart that she was keeping secrets from her, but she had learnt that there was nothing gained from pushing. Her and Jess were becoming closer, and when Jess wanted to talk then she would.

"Mum..." Jess looked up at her Mum. There was so much she wanted to say, but she never knew where to start.

Karen smiled at her and ran a hand down her cheek. "I love you Jess. I just want you to remember that."

Jess felt herself sob. "I can't do it Mum...I can't live with him, or her. I meant every word of that letter..." Jess felt the tears run quicker, it wasn't surprising, her hormones were so messed up that she had found herself crying at a toilet tissue advert the previous night.

Karen pulled her into a hug and she stroked her hair before kissing her forehead. "One day Jess we need to talk about why." She squeezed Jess before gently holding her shoulders. "However just for today you need to be strong ok. I should be back at lunchtime."

Jess nodded. "Good job I don't have Maria until after lunch then." She laughed and her Mum nodded.

"Mmm, maybe try and stay out of the cooler though sweetheart?"

Jess nodded and kissed her Mum's cheek before jumping out the car. She waved before walking to meet Vicki.

Karen watched her daughter leave. She would never have believed that Jess' pregnancy would have bought them so close. For the first time in years she felt that she could count all three of her children as friends as well. She smiled as she watched the final kids walk into the building before reversing the car and leaving for the court.


Karen sat in the cold wooden benches and looked across at her ex-husband. Charlie sat with a smug look on his face. It made Karen feel sick. All she wanted was to be able to hug her children and tell them how sorry she was. It seemed completely wrong that the breakdown of her and Charlie's marriage had left so many repercussions on them. A groaning noise made her lift her head and she saw the judge coming back through the room. She stood up as he entered the room. He motioned for them to sit down before he started speaking.

"Karen and Charlie Fisher. We are here to decide the custody rights for your three children. I first start with Rebecca and Harry. It seems to be that they will be happiest and most settled in joint custody of the both of you. The time split between you will be decided in a mediation session. Now we come onto the case of Jessica. As you both know she has expressed a wish to remain in sole custody of her mother. However I have to take her teen pregnancy into account and suggest that leaving her in Karen's full custody may not be the correct thing at this time. For this reason I am also placing Jess in joint custody between the two of you." The judge nodded and the court were dismissed.

Out of the corner of her eye Karen watched the warm handshakes between Charlie and his solicitor. She couldn't move she felt numb. She hadn't even been able to get Jess what she had wanted. How was she going to tell her that she had failed her?

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