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Jess practically jumped from the car as it pulled to a stop, she didn't say goodbye to either of them. Instead she ran into the school and to the common room. Her ribs were screaming at her, but she didn't care. She was free again. Bex was waiting in the common room and they hugged. Jess felt normal again...everything was ok.


The day seemed to stream by, and before Jess knew it they were at lunch. She was sat with Bex, Josh, Ronan and Vicki. She was desperate to catch up on everything she had missed, and they were happy to help her out. However something wasn't right. The dinner was lasagne which was usually her favourite, but she couldn't taste it. Then she felt a strange sensation in her stomach. She gently rubbed it, hoping that it would go away, but it didn't. She stood up from the table and ran from the canteen. She ran straight to the nurse and was in floods of tears by the time the nurse took her in and sat her on the bed they had set up. Jess could barely speak through the tears. However she did manage to get out. "Baby...pain....stomach."

That was enough for the nurse to understand. She gently got Jess to lie down before lifting her top. It wasn't until Jess heard the nurses gasp that she remembered the burn, yet she was too tired to move or protest. The door swung open and a concerned Karen stood there. She took one took at Jess and then the burn on her stomach before walking over and kissing Jess on the forehead. "I'm so sorry sweetheart." She took one of her hands and stroke her forehead as the nurse finished the examination.

"The babies ok Jess...but you're not. You have a third degree burn on your stomach and at least two broken ribs. I think you need to go to hospital and get yourself checked out...they can do more thorough tests than me."

Jess didn't really care about what was going on with her...the baby was ok. In her mind nothing else mattered. She knew that the nurse was talking to her Mum. There nurse went to make the call to the hospital and Karen came back over. "Jess...I need to ask you something."

Jess nodded. There were only so many things this could be.

"Was this." Karen gestured towards the burn. "Well was that Maria?"

Jess nodded. There was no lying any more...she needed them to know, they needed to know. Yet the next question was not one that she was expecting. Karen lifted one of her wrists and rolled back her sleeve and chunky jewellery. She didn't seem shocked at the cuts she found. "Did you do this to yourself?"

Jess found it harded to answer the second question. Again the tears were rolling down her cheeks, but she couldn't lie to her Mum. She nodded before flinging her arms around her Mum and sobbing into her shoulder.

Karen breathed out. "I'm so sorry Jess...I should have known...I should have protected you." She stroked her daughters back. "It's ok now Jess...I wont let her do it again. You're staying with me."

"I love you Mum." Jess sniffed as she pulled away. "I didn't know how to tell you...I was worried that you wouldn't believe me."

Karen found herself crying. "Oh sweetheart, I should have been there, I knew that you weren't happy...I've just been so caught up with me and Rob."

Jess shook her head. "Don't do anything stupid Mum. We all love Rob and he makes you so happy."

Karen nodded. "I know...I think I love him too."

Jess smiled. "I should hope so too." She reached up and wiped her tears. "We should probably go and get me checked out then...do you think they'll give me a scan?"

Karen laughed. "Well if they don't, then I'll sort out another one." She gave Jess another quick hug before she went to get her things and let Chris know he was temporarily in charge because right now her priority was her daughter.

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