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Jess sat in the common room chewing her pen. She had been looking at one of the computers for the past hour and a half trying to put together her English coursework. It wasn't due in for a while, but she was determined to make sure that she was on top of everything for when the court cases came around. She heard someone cough behind her and she turned to see Rob standing there.

"You ok?" Rob spoke as he gently pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. He looked at the lines of typing she had managed to put together.

"Yeah...just attempting to knock out some coursework...it's not going that well as you can see." She nodded towards the monitor.

Rob nodded. "You know I'm always around to read through everything...I know your Mum's the head and everything." He smiled towards her.

"Sounds good. She's great for most things...but remaining impartial when reading coursework isn't one of them." She laughed before saving the work and shutting down the computer.

"Jess I was talking to your Mum..." Rob clenched his hands together and started running his fingers through each other as he was trying to decide how to word his question.

"Right...about what we spoke about in the car?" Jess looked towards Rob. She was pretty sure that her Mum was going to have spoken to him already. She didn't mind though. Her Mum was happy with Rob and that meant that they would talk about things.

"Yeah...she told me that you were worried about our relationship...and I just want you to know that it's ok, I love your Mum and I'm not going anywhere." He looked towards Jess and found his eyes wandering towards her bump. He found it amazing watching it growing, as long as watching Jess grow up with it.

"I get that...you just make her happy, and that's amazing. It just feels at the minute that everything I do makes something wrong...I'm just so fed up with it. I want everything to go back to being normal, I want to enjoy feeling this little one grow and us becoming a family. I know it sounds cheesy...but is the happiest I've been in such a long time..." She looked towards him and smiled. "I wish you were my Dad..." She smiled and reached towards him to hug him.

Rob wrapped his arms around her. "I know...I wish you were mine too, we will be ok though Jess. I promise that." Jess gave in to his hug and the two of them stayed there for a minute before Jess got up from her chair and smiled at him before she left. Rob watched her go before his eyes flicked back to the computer Jess had been using. She had forgotten to log off, while he knew that he should do it for her straight away he had to pause and think. He and Karen knew that there was something more bothering Jess than they knew, but neither of them wanted to push the subject. Rob sighed before he bought up her internet browsing history.


"Come in." Karen looked up from the set of rules and regulations she was reading. She couldn't help but smile when she saw Rob coming through the door. "I have to say Mr Scotcher it's rather lovely to see you." She winked at him hoping that he was going to keep the promise he had made her earlier. However her face changed quickly when she realised that he wasn't smiling back at her. "Rob what's wrong?"

Rob pulled a chair up next to her. "I was talking to Jess, and she forgot to log out of her computer...I had to look Karen." He pulled out the print screen he had done of the browsing history.

Karen looked at it, she read it through twice. It was quite clear what it meant. "I need to talk to her and find out it this." She pointed towards the list. "If this is what she wants."

"But you know that it isn't Karen...you've both said how much better the relationship had been between you...this doesn't make any sense and you know it." Rob was looking at the woman he loved. He knew that she just wanted to do the best for Jess, but he couldn't help but feel it would be wrong to accept this without asking questions. He was still sure that Jess was doing this because she was worried about hurting anyone else.

"What do I do though Rob? I said I would support her decision...and maybe this is it." Karen shrugged. Of course she didn't want Jess moving out, she wanted to be there for her through all of this. That was her job as her Mum.

"We can move if she's worried about space, God we could build her a flat next to the house...we're a family...well I think we are, and she's part of that. You just need to remind her." He stepped forward and opened his arms. Karen stepped into them and tucked her hands into his jean pockets.

"When did you start being so sensible?" She looked up at him smiling. It was true that he was always thinking the situation through, he could calm everything down and put a positive spin on most things.

"Would a sensible man do this?" He leaned down and kissed her teasing his tongue into her mouth. He knew that she would be unable to resist and he was right. He pulled her closer and breathed in the scent he loved. Eventually he pulled away. "I don't half fancy you Mrs Fisher." He stepped away and looked her up and down.

Karen blushed. "Stop it." She squeezed his hand before dropping in. "I think I'll call Jess up here. Neutral ground and everything." She smiled at Rob. "Thankyou."

He nodded. "Pleasure. Let me know how it goes."

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