C 14

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Jess woke suddenly as she heard someone banging against the door. She felt most parts of her body ache, her hands were wrapped protectively around her stomach. Again the banging started and she felt the door vibrate behind her.

"Jess. Open this door." Her Dad's voice came through clearly. She had never been able to read her Dad's voice like she could her Mum's. She didn't know whether he was on the other side waiting to shout at her, or to hug her. She gently pushed herself off the floor. She found it hard taking her hands away from her stomach. While she was touching the 'just there' bump everything seemed ok. There was a future and it looked good. She pushed down the door handle and opened the door. Charlie stood infront of her with his arms crossed. "So do you want to explain what the hell is going on?"

Jess looked at him. "I don't know what you mean..."

Charlie nodded. "Oh really. So I come back from my meeting to find Maria distraught because you've been screaming at her all evening about her not being your Mum, and you don't know what's going on."

Jess found it hard not to react, she should have guessed that this would be turned onto her. "It wasn't like that Dad."

"Really Jess...then how do you explain Maria being scared to stay in her own house. We've tried so hard Jess, we want you to be here and part of our lives. Why are you making it so difficult?"

Jess shrugged. She could feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Why couldn't he see what she was really like?

"Right. Well I need to go and see your Mum. You need to go downstairs and apologise to Maria, then you're going to sit with her and eat the dinner she made for you."

"Ok..." Jess walked out of the room and followed her Dad down the stairs. She had to give Maria credit for being a good actress, she had bloodshot eyes and a tear stained face. Her hands were shaking and she jumped when she heard them come into the room.

"Jess has something to say." Charlie pushed his daughter forward.

Jess took a deep breath. She just needed to make it sound convincing. "I'm sorry for shouting." She looked up and caught her eyes.

Maria nodded. "It's probably my fault, I mean maybe we've been pushing too hard."

Charlie stepped forward. "No. I'm not letting you take the blame." He looked towards Jess. "I'm going to talk to your Mum about you and the baby. I don't see how you can expect to look after it when you are struggling so much with everything else. You're just too young Jess."

Jess looked up. Was he being serious? He thought that he could just go round to her house and persuade her Mum that their daughter should have an abortion. It was only because Jess knew that her Mum was on her side that she didn't walk straight out of the house.

Charlie walked over and kissed Maria before kissing Jess on the cheek. "It's for the best Jess. I promise." He grabbed his coat and left them standing there.

Jess looked up at the ceiling. She imagined herself back to her Mum's. She would be curled up on the sofa watching some cheesy programme. Harry would be making everyone laugh with a stupid commentary, and they would all be happy.

"Right. You will eat this dinner." Maria walked over and grabbed Jess' arm before pulling her into the kitchen. She pushed her onto a seat and put pressure on her shoulders.

Jess knew that she couldn't move without risking falling over, and as Maria knew all too well, Jess wouldn't risk falling over in case the baby got hurt. Jess realise that she had no choice, so she slowly started eating the dinner.


The front door banged. Jess was still trying to finish the stone cold dinner with Maria watching her. Of course as soon as they heard the door Maria stepped away from Jess and put a smile on her face.

Charlie came into the kitchen and flung his coat. "Your mother doesn't know what she is thinking about. You're 16, how will you cope with a baby?"

Maria placed a hand around Charlie's waist. "She's not thinking about Jess Charlie, she's only thinking about herself. She doesn't care about her children the way you do."

Charlie nodded. "Well that's why I need to see you Jess. You need to know that there are other options for you."

Jess wanted to be sick. She could feel the cold dinner rising in her throat. She knew that they were still talking at her, she didn't hear it, she was suddenly doubled over and vomiting the dinner over the kitchen floor. Once she started she couldn't stop. It felt as though all the anger was flowing out of her. Why didn't her Dad understand her?

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