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Jess got up from her desk. It was the final lesson before lunch and her stomach was getting tighter and tighter. Her Mum had sent her a message during break letting her know that her Dad was free and they would be in the office at lunch time. As she put her things back into her bag she felt her hands shake. Bex put her hand on top of her sisters shaking ones.

"It'll be ok Jess...look how well Mum dealt with it."

Jess nodded. "I just...since Dad's been with Maria I haven't been able to gauge his reactions..." Jess broke off. She hated even mentioning Maria's name. She knew that Dad would have something to say about her not wanting Maria there. The usual line went. "Maria's part of my life now, and that means she's part of yours. We don't have any secrets." As far as she was concerned she wanted nothing to do with Maria, whether her Dad like it or not.

Jess picked up her bag, hugged Jess and left the classroom. She walked through the corridors and up the stairs to her Mum's office. She felt sick...Bex was right, her Mum had been amazing. Two years ago she wouldn't have worried about her Dad and she wouldn't have told her Mum...it was amazing how things had changed in a couple of years. She would never have believed that she would be so close to her Mum...or feel so far away from her Dad. She arrived at the door to the outer office and took a deep breath before pushing the door open.

Janeece smiled at her as she walked in. "Your Mum and Dad are just talking, they call you in a minute." Jess nodded and sat on one of the waiting chairs. What were they talking about? Probably her, she was sure that her Mum wouldn't have told him, that wasn't something she would do. Jess looked towards the door back into the school corridors. It would be so simple to walk out now and not have to do this. She could just not tell her Dad and leave him to work it out. It would become obvious soon enough. Then she thought back to this mornings conversation with her Mum. She was proud of how she had faced everything. She wanted to make her Mum proud. She could do this. She could do it for her Mum.

Her thought train was interrupted as Karen opened the door to her inner office. She smiled at Jess. "Come in sweetheart." Jess nodded and managed a smile back to her Mum before walking into the office.

Karen shut the door behind Jess and ran her hand across her youngest daughters back as she passed her. She was determined to remind Jess that she was there for her. Whatever happened. Jess sat on the second chair set up opposite her Mum's. Karen had taken her chair out from behind the large desk. She wanted to break the barrier between the group.

Jess looked towards her Dad and managed a small smile. "Hi Dad."

Charlie just nodded to her and then looked towards Karen. "Your mother tells me that it was your decision not to have Maria here." He looked towards Jess who nodded. Charlie sighed. "Maria isn't trying to be your Mum Jess. However she is my partner...and one of your teachers. Maybe we could call her in?"

"Dad I want to talk to you. Just you." Jess looked at her Dad. How had this already become about Maria. She didn't need reminding that his girlfriend had managed to get a teaching post in her school...the board had given her Mum no option...apparently she was one of 'the best' and that was what Waterloo Road needed.

Charlie nodded at his daughter. "Ok Jess."

Jess took a deep breath and looked towards her Mum who nodded at her. She looked back towards her Dad. "Dad I'm...well I'm..." She took another breath. "I'm pregnant." She felt tears prick the corners of her eyes. She knew that she wanted the baby but hearing herself admitting that she was pregnant out loud she gave her a shock.

Charlie sat still. He looked towards his daughter and then at Karen. "You knew about this?"

Karen nodded. "For a couple of days." She looked towards her daughter and smiled. "We've done a lot of talking."

Charlie laughed. "Talking...that's a lot of use now isn't it." He looked towards Jess. "Have you decided what to do?"

His blunt tone caught Jess by surprise. She nodded at him. "I'm keeping it Dad. I'm going to do this."

Charlie stood up and looked at Karen. "And you're condoning this...you're the BLOODY HEADTEACHER AND YOU'RE CONDONING YOUR OWN DAUGHTER'S TEENAGE PREGNANCY?"

Karen stood up. "She is our daughter Charlie, and yes I suppose I am 'condoning' it. If that what standing by Jess' decision means." She walked over to Jess and put a hand on her shoulder. "I think you should leave now Charlie."

Charlie looked at Jess and then back at Karen. "Fine...but we will be talking about this again..." He stood up and walked out of the office slamming the door behind him. Jess burst into tears and Karen crouched in front of her so she could give her a hug.

"I'm so proud of you Jess." She stroked her daughters hair and held her close. She could feel the sobs running through Jess. Finally the sobs quietened down and Jess wiped her eyes.

"Maybe he's right Mum..."

Karen looked at her daughter. She ran a hand down one tear-stained cheek. "This is your decision Jess. No it's not the best situation to be in...but you're here now. I want this to be completely your decision, I will stand by you whatever you choose."

Jess felt another tear roll down her cheek. "I want to keep it Mum...I woke up this morning and it felt real...I feel like something's growing inside me...I can't get rid of it."

Karen nodded. "Sounds like you've made your decision sweetheart."

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