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Jess sat in the empty sixth form common room. It was last lesson on a Wednesday and all of the sixth form students had it off, this meant that most of them had gone home. Jess however wanted some time to think and was using the space. She was flicking through magazines with design ideas for nurseries. Now they had got the go ahead for the house she was finally allowing herself to get used to the idea of having her baby. Looking through the numerous designs and colour selections had made her realise that she liked the idea of having the nursery in a stylish colour. She had being looking at the possibility of having possibly some creams and browns that way she could choose from a wide range of furniture and things that the baby needed. She wanted something that would be neutral and last a while, while she was enjoying looking through the designs she was starting to realise how much kitting out the baby was going to cost. The cots she had been looking at weren't cheap and then there was the pram as well as the other essentials, and that was before she even started to think about the nappies, clothes and food the baby would need once it had arrived. The thought of getting it all ready in time suddenly became too much for Jess and she put her head down into her hands. It was for this reason that she didn't realise there was anyone else in the room with her.

Karen had finished up her paper work for the day. She should have felt relaxed but there was something worrying her. She knew that Jess and Bex had last lesson off, while Bex had gone to meet a friend in town Karen was sure that Jess would still be in the school. It hadn't taken her long to find Jess once she had started looking. She was sat in the area of sofas in the otherwise empty common room. Karen watched her for a while before it became obvious that there was something troubling her youngest daughter. When she saw Jess put her head into her hands she moved quietly into the room. She sat beside Jess and pulled her close, she wasn't surprised when she heard a sob come from Jess and felt her shake. She gently kissed her head. "Hey you...what's wrong?"

Jess pointed towards the pile of magazines she had been looking through. "I didn't realise how much everything was going to cost...how am I going to do this Mum? How can I look after a baby when I can't even afford to get it everything it needs before it's even been born?" She sobbed again.

"Jess we've been through this...I'm here for you and whatever you want for this baby is fine. You're not doing this on your own sweetheart." She kissed the top of her head again.

"How am I going to pay you back? I just...maybe Dad was right, maybe this wasn't the right thing to do...I don't even know any more Mum." Jess looked up at her Mum. I don't get how you're holding it all together.

"Jess what are you talking about...who ever said anything about you owing anything. I told you that I would support you if you chose to have this baby. That was my decision and I'm going to stick by it...and that means supporting you before it arrives, when it's born and for as long as you need." She stroked the side of her daughters face. You know that this place pays me far too much so we might as well make the most of it." She turned Jess' face so she was looking straight at her. "I want you to enjoy every minute of being a Mum...and if this is the way I can help make that possible then that's really great."

Jess sniffed before smiling. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" She gently nudged her Mum.

"I'm not sure...must have been pretty amazing though." They both giggled as Karen nudged her daughter back.

Jess nodded. "I was wondering whether we could go to the new house after school...I was thinking about starting to measure up and then talk to Rob about layouts..."

"Sounds like a great idea. Would you mind if Rob came too? You know how rubbish I am with measurements." Karen didn't want to presume anything when it came to Jess' relationship with Rob. She knew that they got on well but it was still early days.

"Now who's being stupid Mum...why would I not want him there." Jess found it funny that Karen was still being so sensitive about bringing Rob into things, they would after all be living together soon.

Karen nodded. "Just checking." She looked down towards all the open pages of the magazines. "Does this mean you've decided whether to find out the gender then?" Jess' 20 week scan was coming up in two weeks and it would be the first chance to find out whether the baby was a boy or a girl. Jess had been changing her mind every week about whether she was going to find out.

Jess nodded. "I think so...I think I'm going to find out...it would just make it easier for picking things." She looked up at her Mum. "Also we both know how rubbish you and me are when we haven't got everything under control."

Karen had to nod. "So true...well I have to say that I am a little relieved. The thought of running round to buy clothes after you'd had the baby wasn't exactly thrilling me." She hugged Jess again. "Right...so know we've got this sorted does it mean you can relax?"

Jess nodded. "Yeah...thank you." She lent forward and kissed her Mum's cheek. "I love you...I know that I don't say it enough, but I mean it." She smiled towards her Mum.

"I know. I love you too sweetheart." She hugged Jess again before standing up. "Right...lets get this operation nursery under way then."

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