C 15

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It was Tuesday evening. While some people would have been thrilled about a day off school, Jess was devastated. She seemed to have picked up a bug and had spent most of the night throwing up. There was no way she was in a fit state to go to school and she knew it, it didn't mean that she had to like it. She had spent most of the day curled up on the sofa. She had been constantly texting Bex, and occasional ones to Harry, Josh and her Mum. She didn't need anyone to worry about her.

Maria had come home after school, but her Dad had needed to stay behind and help run extra GCSE classes before helping plan the maths challenge event that was happening in the school next year. This meant that Jess had been left with Maria. They had sat through dinner with very little talking. Jess had realised that if she could keep her head down then there was nothing to get shouted at for.

Now Maria had got the ironing board out and was going through the pile of things. Jess was watching some documentary on TV. Her mood had improved because she was going home tomorrow, she had already decided that if she could do this once a week for six months then she would be seventeen and she could reapply to live with her Mum due to the baby.

"Jess where's your school shirt?" Jess' dreaming was interrupted by Maria's sharp tones.

"In the washing machine. I'll iron it tomorrow morning." She didn't look up from the programme. She didn't see any need.

"Why is it not in my ironing pile? I'm doing the ironing now."

Now Jess did look up. "Sorry, I didn't realise, I would have made sure it was down here ready otherwise. It's ok though. I don't mind doing it tomorrow."

"You might now, but I do. This is my house and I choose the rules. How dare you think that you can do as you please." She had put the iron down. Jess looked at her face. She didn't understand why she hated her so much.

"I'm sorry. I'll go and put the kettle on." Jess got off the sofa and walked towards the kitchen. It seemed like the safest place to be at the minute.

Then Maria flipped. "THIS IS MY HOUSE...YOU WILL DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS YOU PLEASE." She suddenly grabbed then iron from the board and swung it.

Jess saw her swing the iron, but she didn't think to move. Then the iron crashed into her ribs with a sickening crack. She didn't feel anything for a minute, then the searing pain started to coarse through her body. She looked down and saw the burn mark where her top was stuck to the skin. She didn't realise that she was crying until she saw the drops on the carpet. All she could think about was the baby...had she hurt the baby?

"Now look what you make me do. Your Dad's going to be angry when he gets back."

Jess couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had just been assaulted and already Maria was talking about how it was her fault, and how angry her Dad was going to be with her. Jess knew she couldn't leave yet, but that didn't mean she had to stay down here. She ran up the stairs and into her room. She shut her door before wedging things underneath it so they couldn't open it from the outside. The she started peeling her top away from her skin.

Though she wanted to scream she didn't. She didn't want to give Maria the satisfaction or anymore ammunition. Slowly the fabric came away, however it took several layers of skin with it. The bruising around the wound had started and the burnt flesh was bright pink. The longer she waited, the more pain she could feel. Her ribs ached and she had to guess that the crack she heard was the crack of a rib. Gingerly she lay down on her bed. Her body was throbbing and the only way she could think to make it go away was sleep...but then she remembered the razor in her drawer. That would make her feel better, it would make her relax...it would be better for the baby. Ten minutes later with her fresh wounds covered Jess lay in bed crying about what she had done...but eventually she fell asleep.

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