C 7

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Jess walked into her Mum's office. "Hey." She sat on the edge of the sofa and smiled at her Mum.

Karen stood up and walked over to the door. She closed in and paused for a moment before walking to sit next to Jess. She put an arm around her before trying to get the words out. "I'm sorry Jess." Karen tried to stay composed but could feel the tears welling in her eyes.

Jess looked towards her Mum and shook her head. "But I wrote them a letter. I told them that I wanted to be with you. I wont go...no one can make me."

Karen pulled her daughter close and held her. "It's only half the time Jess. Me and your Dad haven't finalised anything, you're all going to his tonight though. The custody agreement has to start straight away, but it will be ok...I promise."

Jess pulled away and looked at her Mum. "How will it be ok..." With that she stood up and ran out of the office flying down the corridor before Karen could chase her. Karen stood at the door to her office and watched her daughter run. There was nothing she could do or say to make this any better.


Jess sat in the toilet cubicle. She felt sick to her stomach. Her whole body shook as she thought again about what her Mum had said. This was her fault. If she hadn't got pregnant then she could have stayed her Mum. However she automatically felt guilty about blaming the bump. In her heart she knew that if she came clean about everything then no one would make her go, but she also knew that telling it now might may it all seem like an excuse to mean that she didn't have to stay with her Dad. No one would believe her. She looked down at her watch. Last lesson had started 5 minutes ago and she had Maria. Great. Jess stood up from where she was sitting. She wasn't going to take this sitting down and she was not going to run away from the bitch her father was with. She wiped her eyes, sorted her make up and got ready to face what was happening.

Jess turned the corridor before the classroom and looked at what was on the board. They had moved from the teenage pregnancy to drug abuse. Thankfully this was an area Jess had no knowledge, despite what certain people may believe. Jess knocked on the door before walking in and taking a seat. "Sorry Miss. I wasn't feeling very well." She got out her book before trying to relax into the chair.

"It's ok. You can make up the time with me after the lesson." Maria walked back towards the whiteboard. "Right Ronan. Can you name me three long term effects that cannabis abuse can have on the body?"


The final bell went and the sixth form class packed up their things and headed out of the classroom chattering. It was Friday and the bell meant it was now the weekend. Jess packed up with them and went to head out the door before she heard Maria calling her. She had forgotten that she was being kept behind. Jess turned around and walked back to her seat.

"Jess. We need to talk." Maria stood in front of the desk towering over where Jess was sat.

It was things like this that Jess hated, most of the other teachers in the school would at least come down to a level to talk to the kids. Not Maria, she liked to remind you that she was in charge, she could tower over you and make you feel small because as she liked to remind everyone. She was a teacher and that meant she was in charge. "About what?" Jess knew that she sounded coy, but there were so many things this 'chat' could be about.

"I think you know what Jess. Quite rightly the courts have awarded me and your father joint custody of the three of you."

"That's funny. I only ever heard my Dad's name mentioned in the custody agreement." Jess turned to look out the mirror. She was relieved to see that her Mum's car was still there.

"How dare you. I have tried with you Jess."

"Mmm...tried to hurt me, tried to tell me that I was never wanted, tried to humiliate me in front of everyone."

Maria turned slightly before slapping Jess clean across the face. The noise rang around the classroom and Jess felt the force of the blow cause tears to roll down her cheek. She went to wipe them away but her hand came back covered in blood. One of Maria's rings had cut her face. She looked up at the older woman, with anyone else Jess would have been out of there. However she had a baby to think about now, she needed to do this calmly.

"Now see what you made me do. We'll have to get that cleaned up." Maria walked over to get the first aid kit out. "We'll be having fish and chips tonight. Friday night tradition you see. It'll be nice, maybe we can rent a film."

Jess sat at the desk shocked to the core. How could the woman change so quickly?

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