C 24

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Jess pushed the door to her Mum's office open. "Hey." She smiled towards her Mum before walking through the door.

Karen stood up from the forms at her desk. Mark had left just after Karen had made the phonecall to the police, not before giving her a number of cards and leaflets about the next step and support for victims of 'abuse.' Karen still found it hard every time someone referred to everything as 'abuse' and how her daughter was a victim of 'abuse.' She was determined that Jess would not become a statistic, she wasn't going to fade away because of what had happened. She would be there to support her through this. "They haven't come yet, I've been watching out of the window."

Jess nodded before sitting on the sofa. Her whole body was shaking with a mixture of nerves and fear. Karen sat next to her and placed a hand on top of hers. She knew that she couldn't make it better, and she hated that, but she could make sure that Jess knew she was right behind her. "I'm sorry Mum." Jess looked up, there were already tears rolling down her face. She hadn't meant to cry, she didn't even know why she was but once the tears started. There didn't seem much chance of them stopping quickly.

Karen pulled Jess close. "I wish you would stop apologising, if anyone should be apologising then it's me..." Karen took a deep breath. "I don't even know how long this has been going on for." She kissed the top of Jess' head.

"Do you want to know?" She hated talking about it, but she knew that her Mum deserved to know the truth...and in some ways Jess needed to tell someone, it was as though this bubble had been growing and stretching inside her. Now it was time for it to burst so she could move on.

Karen nodded. "I do."

Jess wiped her eyes. "It started with words, threats just after they got together...you know the sort of thing. 'Dad wont want to see you.' She always liked to remind me how much like you I am, and how Dad hated that...he hated me being around..." She broke off. There was the flash of blue crossing the playground. They both stood up and watched the police car drive across the crowded playground and park by the school.

"You don't have to do this now Jess...I shouldn't have made you."

Jess lent her head against her Mum's shoulder and put her arms around her. They stayed there for a minute before Jess spoke again. "I want to...I feel like I need to tell you...if that's ok."

Karen nodded. "You never have to question whether it's ok to tell me something Jess..."

"The words got worse...every time Dad went out it was almost guaranteed that me and Maria would argue...then she hit me. The first time it was a slap across the arm...nothing major. In fact she seemed shocked that she had done it...then it got worse...so I guess it's been going on nearly a year..." Jess finished there, she knew that her Mum was upset and she hated that, there was nothing she could have done for her. It was her decision to hide it and not tell anyone...she didn't want to face up to what was happening.

Karen felt her face getting hotter, she was upset and the tears quickly started. "I let you down Jess...I'm your Mum and I let you down."

"No...It was my secret Mum...I didn't want you to know...I thought that if I ignored it then it would all go away...it didn't work, but none of this was ever your fault." She felt her voice break. "I wouldn't be here without you...having you support me over the baby...you wont ever..." Her voice was too choked to speak, but Karen knew what she was trying to say. She also knew that she didn't need to respond. In that moment there had been a silent understanding pass between the two about how bad things had got...but they didn't need to talk about it, not now.

There was an almighty shout and clatter. Suddenly the office door flew open and Charlie stood there...behind him were Rob, Bex and Harry all trying to get past. Karen felt herself push Jess behind her, there was no way her was getting to her.

"Do you want to explain what the hell is going on Karen...this had better be your idea of some sick wind-up." Charlie was red in the face and obviously angry.

Karen took a step forward. "Maria bought this into school Charlie, and that makes it a school matter. She abused a child on the school grounds and for that reason the police were called. The identity of the child is irrelevant when there is a case of abuse."

Charlie shook his head. "YOU BITCH." He swung his arm back and slapped Karen across the face before anyone could react.

Karen stumbled to the floor, she tried to cover Jess but realised she couldn't get there. However as soon as Charlie's arm had come back Rob had moved. He hadn't managed to get to Karen but he had got Charlie's arm before he could touch Jess. Those few moments gave Bex time to get to Jess, and Harry time to get to Karen.

No one was sure how but Rob had managed to get Charlie towards the door, he pushed him backwards and spoke so only the two of them could hear. Charlie took another look at the scene in the office before walking out of the office towards the school.

Jess was the first to react she ran to her Mum and flung her arms around her. "I'm sorry...Mum....it....it...should have....been....me." The words were surrounded by her sobs.

Karen winced as she tried to move upwards. She had taken the full blow to her face and they could all see the start of a significant black eye. She still shook her head. "No...I think he's wanted to do that for a while Jess." She smiled towards her youngest daughter. She didn't want any of the kids to know quite how much pain she was in.

Rob stepped forwards. "Bex, Harry, can you taken Jess home. I don't think there's any point in sticking around much longer, and there's a lot to talk about. I'm going to take your Mum to A and E to get checked out."

Bex nodded. "Sounds like the best idea. I'll unplug the house phone, you'll be able to get us on our mobiles." She helped Jess forwards and between her and Harry they managed to coax her into leaving the office and her Mum.

When the kids were out of hearing Karen let the tears roll. She felt herself semi collapse onto Rob who just supported her while her head regained some of it's bearings. "I'm sure I'll be ok..."

Rob laughed. "Trust you. I'm pretty sure you've at least got concussion...I'm taking you to be checked over whether you like it or not." He stroked some of the stray hair from her face. For the first time he looked and realised there was blood come from a cut in front of her ear. Charlie must have been wearing a ring. "Right come on, lets get you to the hospital." He helped her from the floor.

"I'm fine Rob...." Karen was trying to be defiant and took a step forwards before her legs collapsed. Rob managed to catch her before she hit the floor. In one quick movement he picked her up into a comfortable position in his arms.

"Just for once Karen Fisher...will you left me look after you." He kissed her gently on the lips.

When they broke apart she feebly nodded. "Just this once Mr Scotcher."

Two blue linesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें