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"Karen the taxi's here, you nearly ready?" Rob checked in the mirror that his shirt was ok. He had spent half an hour trying to decide whether or not to wear a tie, finally he had given up on the idea. He knew that if he wore one then he would only be playing with it for the whole evening.

"Just coming." Karen's voice came down from the top of the stairs. Rob smiled before picking up his coat. "We've both got phones so if you need us..."

"The we'll call. Stop worrying and have a good night." Jess cut his off half way through before smiling. "We'll be ok." She let out a little laugh, she thought it was lovely that Rob was so protective, but he seemed to have temporarily forgotten that they were teenagers and were quite used to being left for the evening.

Rob nodded. "Ok...I'll stop worrying." He smiled at Jess, he knew that he was being over-protective, but he just wanted to make sure she was ok, and that all of the kids knew how much they meant to him.

"Will I do?" Karen's voice made him turn round to see her coming down the stairs. She had a new dress on with a scoop at the front and the back, it clung to her perfect curves and showed her off. Her hair was simple like her make up. She looked up and smiled at Rob.

"Just a bit." He stepped forward and slipped his arms around her waist before gently kissing her lips. Jess had slipped away and left them. Rob didn't notice, he was focused on Karen, or more importantly her lips. Eventually he broke away, knowing that if he didn't do so then he would be taking straight back upstairs rather than to the fancy restaurant. "God, the things you do to me woman." He reached back and tucked her hair behind her ears.

Karen smiled, her cheeks started to blush a bit. "Shall we go then? I reckon the kids can't wait to get rid of us." She stepped onto the floor and let Rob put her coat on. Then holding his hand the two of them walked out of the front door towards the car.


After a three course meal and several glasses of wine Rob looked at the woman across the table from him. "You do know how much I love you?" He couldn't help but ask the question. "It's just that every morning I wake up and wonder how I ever managed to get you..." He reached out a hand and took hers.

Karen gently cocked her head to one side. "I don't understand why..." She knew that he was always telling her that she sold herself short. It was true that she wasn't very good at taking compliments. "I see the way other women look at you when we're out...and then they look at the middle aged mother holding your hand and wonder why you're with me." She sighed and took another deep drink from her glass of wine. "Little do they know what a saint I am for putting up with you." She winked at him before laughing.

"Like that is it Mrs Fisher...well lets see if I can't wipe that smug look off your face." He too took a deep drink of wine before pulling the ring box from his pocket. He looked at the woman in front of him. "Now I know that you're not a big one for romance, but I've decided that just for tonight...we're going to do things my way." He nodded towards the waiter closest to them who disappeared. After a moment the lights dimmed and a new song came on over the radio.

You are so beautiful to me

As the first line of the song came over the speakers in the restaurant Rob pushed out his chair and got down to the floor on one knee. "Karen Fisher, I think that I have loved you since the moment I met you..."

You are so beautiful to me
Can't you see

He smiled at her before carrying on, he knew that his voice was becoming thicker with the prospect of tears, but he didn't care. "I never believed that you would feel the same way about me...but now I think you might do..."

Your everything I hoped for
Your everything I need
You are so beautiful to me

Rob looked at Karen and could see that there were tears in the corners of her eyes. She smiled through them and nodded. "I do...I love you." This was all that Rob needed to hear. He opened the ring box...

Such joy and happiness you bring
Such joy and happiness you bring

"Karen Fisher...I can't imagine wanting anyone else to be a part of my life. I smile every morning that I wake up beside you, and I miss you when you're not stood next to me. I love every single part of you...

Like a dream
A guiding light that shines in the night

Like he had practised so many times in the privacy of the bedroom he took the ring from the box and lifted it up. "Will you do my the honour of becoming my wife." On the final word his voice cracked and one of the tears he had been trying to hold back rolled down one of his cheeks. They had talked about getting married so many times, and the kids had all given their approval, but for the first time it was the two of them, and it felt real.

Heavens gift to me
You are so beautiful to me

Karen looked down at Rob and the ring, she took a deep breath and nodded. "I will..." She smiled at him. "I will..." She reached out a hand for Rob to slip the ring onto. "It's beautiful."

"It was my mothers...I've been saving it..." He looked up at her. He didn't know how to explain that he had never given the ring to Naomi, it hadn't seemed like the right thing to do.

"Kiss me?" She looked at the man in front of her. They both knew that it wasn't a question.

Rob stood up and lifted Karen to her feet before kissing her. There was more passion and meaning put into the kiss then either of them could ever describe. The kiss became deeper and deeper. This time it was Karen who broke it. "Take me home..." She looked at him, they were both out of breath but beaming. Rob quickly put down the money for the meal and helped her into the coat before they quickly left the restaurant.

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