C 22

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Karen gently shut the door. She had helped Jess down on to the sofa. She was wiping her tears with a tissue, but Karen could see that she was still shaking. Not a surprise really, she was trying to hold so many emotions inside. Karen knew that Jess would find what she had to say hard, but she also knew that it needed saying sooner rather than later.

Jess looked up from the sofa. "I'm sorry...I tried to keep my head down, I stayed calm...but she came looking...I couldn't...I didn't know how to."

Karen sat next to her and pulled her close. "You need to stop apologising for things that aren't your fault. All of what just happened was Maria...we both know that." She kissed Jess' hair. "Jess I need you to do something for me, and I know it's going to be hard."

"Please don't ask me Mum..." Jess looked at her. She knew what was coming, she had been putting it off for as long as possible.

"I'm sorry Jess, but if we press charges against Maria then she will be automatically suspended and if she's found guilty then she wont be able to teach again." Karen reached forward and took Jess' hand. "I know this is going to be hard sweetheart, but I promise you that I will be there every single step...I promise."

Jess looked towards her Mum. She knew that was she was saying made sense. Maria and her Dad weren't going anywhere soon, and neither were they. "What about Dad...he hates me already."

Karen nodded. That was the painful bit and they both knew it. If charges were pressed against Maria then there would be a chance that Charlie would completely walk away from Jess. "I'm sorry...I can't make you do anything Jess, this has to be your decision, but whatever you decide I will back you one hundred percent."

Jess nodded. "Ok. Mum...can I work in Rob's office today...do you think he'll mind, I've got loads of coursework to do...and I really don't want to be in the main school."

Karen nodded. "How about we wander down there now and ask him. I'm sure he'll be ok though, and I'll keep an eye." They both stood up, before either of them could move Jess wrapped her arms around her Mum. She didn't want to let go, she felt safe there...no one could hurt her.


"Come in." Rob was sat at his desk twisting a piece of blue tack into awkward shapes. He had a list of work piling up but he couldn't concentrate on any of it. He knew that they weren't his family, that they weren't his kids, but he cared about them and he couldn't figure out what Charlie was doing. Rob knew that if he wasn't careful then he would lose his daughter forever, and for what? Maria?

Karen pushed then door open and walked in with Jess. She could see the tension in Rob's face as soon as she looked at him. She had hated leaving him this morning, she had wanted to talk everything through with him, let him know what was happening, but she hadn't been able to, it would have made everything worse. "Hey. Jess was wondering whether she could work in here today?"

Rob nodded. "Of course. You can have my desk if you want? My laptop should have everything you need." He stood up and walked over to the women. "I am sorry about your Dad Jess...but I promise that he's the one losing out."

Jess looked at him, how was it that she felt closer to the man her Mum had been seeing for a couple of months than she had ever done with her own father. She felt safe with Rob, and she knew that he wasn't going to let her down. She stepped forward and hugged him. She wasn't sure what to say, so she hoped that he would understand. Rob gently hugged her back. He heard Jess quietly speak. "Thankyou." She pulled out of the hug and walked over to his desk.

Rob looked at Karen, she smiled at him. "Thanks. I'm going to call the support officer and find out what the next step is." She took another step towards Rob. This time she lowered her voice. "Keep her safe for me, I'm not sure what's going to happy today."

Rob nodded at her. Then he reached up a hand and stroked the side of her face. "Of course."

Karen lent forward and kissed him. It wasn't a peck on the cheek. It was a deliberate and powerful kiss on the lips. They were both aware that Jess was in the room. But from that one kiss they both knew what this relationship meant to them both. Karen pulled back and smiled at him. "I'll see you later." She walked over to Jess and kissed her on the forehead. "I'll come back and see you in a bit sweetheart, just try and stay in here today."

"Ok...I love you Mum." Jess looked up at her Mum and smiled, there was the trace of a tear pricking the corner of her eye, she blinked it away, but not before Karen saw.

"I love you too...and I promise this will all be ok." She kissed her again before walking out of the office and starting the long walk back along the lonely corridors.

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