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Karen opened her eyes to sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. She turned her head and smiled at Rob sleeping soundly next to her. His arms were still wrapped around her as they had been when they'd fallen asleep the night before. The touch of his skin against hers made her feel happy, and there was something magical she felt every morning she woke up in his arms. Everything just felt so right. She gently turned her body and kissed his on the lips. "Morning." She kissed him again before stroking the side of his face.

Rob opened his eyes and smiled. "What a beautiful site to wake up to." He lifted his arms and pulled her head closer so he could return the kiss. Then quick as a flash he turned her over and pinned her arms so he was on top. He kiss her again on the lips before kissing her nose and her neck. "Did I mention how flippin' beautiful you are?" He kissed her again.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice." She wriggled her arms free before draping them around his back. She lifted her head to kiss him again. "We really should get up..." She smiled at him before trying to get up.

Rob pouted before playfully pushing her back down. "You're not in charge now Mrs Fisher...and I say we stay in bed." He kissed her again before slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her towards him.

Karen found herself unable to resist and before she could blink they were tangled together again.


Karen walked down the stairs with her dressing gown wrapped around her body. She had finally managed to persuade Rob that they really did need to get up. They were expecting a call from the estate agents to let them know whether their bid for the house had been expected. She walked into the kitchen and was greeted by Jess sat at the table grinning at her.

"Morning." Jess winked at her Mum knowing full well that it was after midday. "Get a bit distracted?" She smiled at her again before picking up the mug of tea that sat in front of her.

Karen walked over to flick the kettle on. "How're you feeling? I haven't heard you run to the bathroom yet." Karen pulled down a mug with her back still to Jess. She knew Jess was digging for information.

"Subject change alert...we were talking about you..." Jess stood up from the table and walked over to her mother she gently nudged her arm.

Karen smiled back at her. "I'm just happy...everything seems so right." She turned towards Jess and stroked some of the stray hairs back from her face.

Jess nodded. "I can't ever remember seeing you this happy before...not with Dad." In some ways Jess hated admitting it. For most of her childhood she had been such a Daddy's girl and the relationship between her and her Mum had been strained. Not now though.

"I would never change my relationship with your Dad Jess...if we hadn't been together then I never would have had the three of you, and you're the most precious things in my life...but yes. Being with Rob is completely different." She paused looking at Jess. She could see the adult her daughter had become and knew that she would understand what she was about to say. "I feel like I'm falling in love for the very first time."

Jess nodded her head, but she couldn't stop a tear rolling down her cheek. "You deserve to be happy Mum..." She broke off as her voice broke. She walked into Karen's outstretched arms and hugged her.

"I am..." Karen kissed Jess' forehead. "And I'll be even happier when this little one makes an entrance...even if I am going to be Grandma." She stroked Jess' bump. "Only two weeks till the next scan..."

Jess nodded. "I still don't know whether to find out...I change my mind every day." She laughed. "Anyone would think I'd picked up my mothers indecisive genes." She giggled.

"Mmm..." Karen couldn't stop herself laughing. "Well, you can decide when we're there...finding out would make the shopping easier, and choosing the colour of the nursery." Karen grinned as she said the last word.

"Have they phoned yet?" Jess too was waiting nervously to find out about the house. She hadn't wanted to get too excited as it all seemed too perfect.

Karen shook her head. "Nope." At that moment the house phone went. Rob had been walking down the stairs towards the kitchen and picked it up on the way through.

Jess didn't pay complete attention to the conversation, but she was listening enough to know that it was the estate agent. She felt her stomach flipping over as the phonecall came to an end. She so wanted them to have got the house, it would mean a fresh start for them all, and she would finally be able to start thinking about her and her baby.

Rob came off the phone and looked at Karen. He tried to keep a straight face but broke out into a grin. "It's ours."

Karen grinned back and kissed him. "You don't know how good that sounds." She kissed him again before looking towards Jess who had started to cry again. She walked over and put her arms around her. "This is your fresh start Jess. For both of you." She put a hand on Jess' bump and held her daughter close.

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