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As they walked into the custody hearing suite Jess was really thankful that the room was nothing like the places you saw on the telly. It was laid out with desks. They were the first ones there which meant they had a chance to get settled before Charlie and Maria turned up.

Jess sat next to Mum and took her hand under the table, fee and now she ct with her Mum made her feel safe, and now she had that she didn't want to let go. The baby was starting to move more inside her stomach and it had decided that this was one of the moments to start being the most active. Jess wanted so much to be able to share the feeling with her Mum, but she knew that it wasn't the time. At that moment the door opened and Charlie walked into the room. Maria walked behind him but she kept her head down. Jess glanced over to them before looking back to the front of the room. They were ready to start.

"We are here to discuss results in the Fisher custody case. Charlie and Karen Fisher have both put in custodial bids for the three children." The official leading the hearing glanced down. "While normally we would only disclose full custodial agreements today, it has been decided on the most appropriate custodial agreements already. Therefore the officials on the case have decided to disclose custodial agreements in all three cases."

Jess felt her hand tense up. She glanced up to her mother. There was no emotion on her face, but she knew that was because she didn't want to give away how she was feeling. She had got to know her Mum much better in the past months, and public emotion wasn't something that either of them did particularly well. Karen wanted to support her kids. As far as she was concerned her emotions came secondary to those of her children.

"In the case of Rebecca Fisher." Karen looked up. They were doing the case separately for each of the kids...did that mean there was a difference between them. She felt Jess' hand tighten in her own.

"The court rules that main custody is awarded to Karen Fisher. Rebecca will see Charlie Fisher for 6 hours a week. Not to include over night stays." The official took the top piece of paper from the pile and moved it to the side. "This is to be the same in the case of Harry Fisher."

Bex and Harry looked at each other. The both felt a sense of relief. It had finally been recognised what they wanted and that wouldn't be changed now. Neither of them wanted to look towards Charlie. Six hours a week didn't sound a lot, but it was more than either of them wanted. Now though they needed to concentrate on Jess...

"The case of Jessica Fisher has been discussed thoroughly. It has finally been decided that full custody should be awarded to Karen Fisher. There will be no contact with Charlie Fisher. There has been a restraining order implicated for Maria Jones."

Jess didn't hear the end of what the official was saying. As soon as she heard that her Mother had full custody of her she burst into tears. She hadn't wanted to let herself believe that there was a chance of full custody going towards her Mum. She hadn't wanted to get her hopes up because she knew it would have been harder if the case hadn't gone through.

Karen turned towards Jess and saw the tears flowing down her face. Knowing that all three of her children were safe was enough to release Karen's emotions and she too found tears rolling down her face. She lent towards Jess and hugged her. "I love you so much..." She gently kissed Jess' face before turning towards the legal aide's on her side and nodding in appreciation.


Karen opened the front door. She let the kids go in first before she walked inside. She had phoned Rob from outside the custodial suite. Charlie had stormed off with Maria in tow, not before telling her that they would be appealing all decisions. Karen had simply nodded. She had been reassured that none of the decisions would be changed until there was significant proof to show that any situations had changed. They had also recommended that Charlie be transferred to another school in order to comply with the custody agreements. All in all everything seemed pretty perfect.

"You do have the most beautiful smile." Rob walked out of the kitchen and straight over to her before kissing her full on the lips.

"Mmm." Karen could only smile as the enjoyed the contact between them. "I feel in the mood to celebrate." She pulled away slightly before running a hand through his slightly over grown hair.

Rob nodded. "Is that so? Well we may just be able to find someone to do." He kissed her again before playfully slipping a hand inside the waist band of her skirt and squeezing her bum.

Karen giggled. "Watch it...we'll mentally scar one of the kids...and I'm not sure that's the best idea considering how much they're going to be there." She smiled at him again. Despite having had some time to digest what had happened it still seemed surreal. She had her family back together.

"I can't wait to be in the new house...I suggest separate entrances." He slipped his hands around her waist. "That way I can enjoy kissing my beautiful woman without worrying about anyone else." He pulled her close again and kissed her with more passion than before.

"We'll have to see about that one Mr Scotcher...some furniture might be necessary beforehand." She ran a hand down the side of his face. Of course between the two of them they had two houses full of furniture, but neither of them wanted to use much of it. It seemed wrong to use furniture from their old lives for this new start. Of course there were some pieces they would keep.

"All I need is a bed." He winked at her with a wicked glint in her eye.

Karen nodded. "So no sofa then...she walked backwards towards the kitchen. "No telly...no tables...no chairs." She smiled at him.

"Alright smart arse." He followed her into the kitchen. "How about we go and have a look this weekend. We could go and have a look at some nursery furniture with Jess as well?" He wrapped his arms around Karen's waist. He loved being in contact with her.

"Sounds like a plan...we had better get started somewhere." Karen looked around her. They were planning on moving in three months and she hadn't even started thinking about packing. "Did I mention that I hate packing?" She looked at him.

"Mmm...only several hundred times. We'll get there though...eventually." He kissed her forehead. "You, me, the kids...and a cat?"

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