C 18

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Karen pulled the car into the drive and got out so she could open Jess' door for her. The hospital had put her in a sling, it wasn't necessarily supporting the ribs, but it did mean that people would try harder not to knock into her while they were healing. Jess was also happier because they had been to the local shops and been able to find a couple of bras that Jess could wear until the burn was healed. Jess smiled and let her Mum help her out of the car. She hated to admit it but she was exhausted...but then she remembered the lack of sleep and the stress she had been under while she was at her Dad's.

Then she remembered her Dad and Maria...they were going to have to talk about it, sooner or later. "Mum...what about Dad?"

Karen turned to her youngest daughter. "I know that we need to talk about what happens next, but for the rest of this week lets just focus on getting you better and enjoying being a family. Is that ok?"

Jess nodded. "More than ok."

They opened the front door and walked into the house which smelt of Chinese. Rob had been over and made sure everyone's favourites had been ordered. Aiden was spending the weekend with his Mum. Bex and Harry were trying to decide whether Tom Clarkson and Eleanor Chaudry were seeing each other, or whether Tom was dating Rose Kelly again. Rob was trying to keep a straight face at the whole conversation.

Karen pushed the door open and nodded Jess through. She knew that Jess was nervous. They both knew that what had happened would have consequences for everyone. Jess was worried about how Harry and Bex would react to her...this was their Dad as well. She shouldn't have worried. Had she been completely well then they would have piled on top of her, but the gentle hugs seem to explain how they felt just as well.

Bex found herself crying, and once she started Harry started. Jess couldn't help but giggle. "Missed me that much." Her voice too was becoming thick with tears. Bex leaned in and gave her another hug. "I love you Jess."

Jess nodded. "I'm sorry." She looked up. "To all of you...I screwed up." She covered her mouth as the tears started to choke her. This time it was Karen's turn to talk.

"No one thinks that Jess...we're just all glad that you're ok. Now." She looked at Rob. "I think it would be a good time to start this Chinese. Heavens knows there's enough of it...breakfast and lunch are sorted for tomorrow."

Even Rob had to laugh. He had over-ordered some what. He had wanted to make sure that everything was right. Karen knew this, and she knew how hard he was trying to make the kids like him. Not that he needed to, they were all loving him being around.

The five of them sat around the table laughing. Jess sat there trying to remember the last time they had such a relaxed evening. She couldn't help but smile at the rubbish jokes and felt her whole being leap every time her Mum smiled at her. For the first time in a long she left as though she belonged to a family. She was disturbed from her thoughts as the front door rang. She looked round the table, everyone seemed confused, Karen pushed her chair away and went to answer it.

Everyone around the table fell silent. They heard the door click and almost automatically the shouting started. Rob left the table and ran to the front door. Jess started shaking in her seat. They could all hear the anger of Charlie at the front door, and there was no question what it was he was angry about. Jess pushed her chair away. She looked at Bex and Harry. "I'm really sorry."

Harry was the first one to speak. "You don't have to be...none of this is your fault Jess. He should believe you...we all do."

Bex nodded. "Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Harry. You've done nothing wrong..." They both got up from the table and hugged her. There was a crash from the hallway and the three of them hurried in to see what was going on.

Rob had reacted as soon as he thought Karen might be in trouble. He was stood between Karen and her ex-husband. The crash had been a vase knocked off a table. Karen was trying to keep calm but couldn't stop the shaking.

"YOU!" Charlie pointed a finger at his youngest daughter. He tried to take a step towards her but Rob blocked him. "YOU SELFISH BITCH! ALL MARIA HAS EVER DONE IS BE KIND TO YOU AND YOU MAKE UP THIS SHIT IN RETURN..."

Jess started shaking her head. "I'm not lying." Her voice was quiet but determined. She wasn't going to go back on what she had said. She couldn't keep the secret anymore.

"LIAR." Charlie was incensed.

"Dad...I'm not lying...why wont you believe me..." Jess found herself shaking now. Karen couldn't stand to watch her daughter so upset. She quickly wrapped her arms around her and held her close.

Rob looked straight at Charlie. He may have been the smaller man, but he was going to do his damnest to look after the people he loved. "You need to leave now, or I'll call the police." He stood strong and Charlie seemed to realise that he was beaten.

"This doesn't finish here...I'll see you at school." He stormed from the house and slammed the door.

Jess was inconsolable...no amount of talking was going to fix this. Her Dad had chosen to believe Maria over her, there was no going back...not ever.

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