C 13

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Jess sat through the general studies without saying a word. She barely lifted her head. She had already text her Dad to let him know that she would be staying at his for the next two nights, she guessed that he had already passed the message on to Maria. That would explain the permanently smug look plastered across the teachers face. Jess couldn't help but wonder whether she was already plotting how to make her life a misery for the next two days.

The bell finally rang and Jess left the class. She had done as she had promised Rob and kept her head down. She was unusually quiet for the rest of the day, she kept away from most of her friends as well as Bex. She didn't want to talk to them about anything, she knew that as soon as she started talking then everything was likely to come out. As soon as the final bell went she headed outside and waited by the car her Dad and Maria shared. She was careful to look away from the entrance. Finally her Dad and Maria arrived and opened the car. Jess put her bag in the boot and got in. She had left things at their house when she had met Josh, so there was no need to go home and fetch anything. Jess couldn't help but think that was a good thing, she wouldn't have wanted to come away again.

"I have to go out tonight Jess, there's a PTA meeting I have to be at, but Maria is in, we thought you could have a girlie film night with some pizzas." Charlie looked at his youngest daughter in his mirror.

Jess nodded. She tried to force a smile, yet inside she was screaming, she had just about managed to get her head around the idea of staying at her Dad's for the weekend, but being left alone with Maria was a whole different thing...

Maria spoke for the first time. "I've made sure that there's some ice cream in the fridge, I didn't know what your favourite was...so I bought a selection." She laughed looking round at Jess. "I'm sure there'll be something you like."

Jess nodded. "Sound great."

Charlie smiled at Jess again. "See I knew that all you two needed was some time to get to know each other. I'm sure by the time I get back you'll be getting along like a house on fire."

Maria laughed in the passenger seat next to him. She reached over and placed a hand on his knee.


Charlie reached down and kissed Jess on the forehead. "See you later love." He went over and kissed Maria before walking out of the living room. Jess heard the front door shut, she felt her body tense up straight away. They were alone...

Maria stood up from the seat. "You were really rude this weekend Jess...I was only trying to talk to you."

Jess sat in the seat, her eyes were focused on the floor. She knew that Maria was trying to provoke her, she wanted a reaction. Well Jess was determined not to give her one, she was going to be strong.

"I'm talking to you Jessica. I'm expecting an apology for your behaviour this weekend. How are we meant to get along when you're not being reasonable?"

Still Jess kept her gaze fixed on the floor. She felt her stomach muscles tighten, she had the urge to be sick. Then she remembered the baby growing in her stomach. There was the reason to be strong. If she could get through this then she could do anything. Suddenly Maria had her face in a tight grip she was squeezing her cheeks and forced Jess to look up. The action had caught Jess by surprise and she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"I want an apology Jess."

Jess grimaced as the grip became tighter. She just about managed to force one word from her clenched teeth. "Tough." Maria's other hand flew through the air and slapped the skin on Jess' face.

"This can be very simple Jess, or very hard. I don't think that I'm being unreasonable." She released Jess' face. "Now...all I need is one sorry." She took a step backwards and folded her arms.

Jess saw an opportunity and ran, she knew that there was no point in even trying the front door, her key was upstairs, instead she ran up the stairs and into her room, she slammed the door and sat against it. She heard Maria chase her, but she couldn't get to her, she couldn't get through. Maria kept banging on the door. Jess covered her ears and hummed to herself. She wanted the noise to stop.

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