C 25

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After waiting two hours in A and E Karen was diagnosed as having mild concussion and needing three stitches in the cut on her face. The doctor had discharged her on the condition that she took it easy for the next couple of days. Rob had made sure he was there when the Doctor was talking to her and knew exactly what had been said. They were back in his car ready to leave. "So...can I trust you to take it easy Mrs Fisher?" He looked across at the woman in his passenger seat. Her face was swollen and bruised but she still seemed ok. She was already back to worrying about Jess and what was going to happen next.

"I'm fine. I just need some sleep and a couple of pain killers, I'll be right as rain tomorrow." She pulled a pair of sunglasses from her bag and put them on. She was worried about the kids seeing her in this state.

"Did you listen to anything that doctor said? You need to take the next couple of days easy, and that means no work." Rob pulled out of the car park. "You need a rest Karen, you're not going to be any use to anyone if you keep going, and that includes Jess."

Karen feebly nodded. "I suppose I could take a couple of days off...maybe Jess could to, I could make sure she has work for the next couple of days. That way there shouldn't be any trouble and we can wait and see what the next step is."

"That sounds good...do you want me to stay tonight? I don't mean you know...I just want to make sure that you're ok..." He felt himself blushing. It was mad that even after being together for a couple of months he still found himself getting nervous around her. He just didn't want to screw it up. He really cared about her.

"That would be nice, Aiden can stay as well if he wants, there's plenty of room. I was only planning on getting a take-away. Cooking wasn't top of my list for the evening."

Rob laughed. "Oh I think I can forgive you for that." He reached a hand over to rest on her knee. "I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough...I should have stopped him."

Karen shook her head. "You weren't to know, and you protected Jess...you're a parent Rob. You know that I would take this..." She gestured towards her bruised face. "A millions times over if it meant protecting one of the kids."

This time it was Robs turn to nod. "I know exactly what you mean...I just hated seeing him hurt you...I wanted to...well I wanted to hurt him...maybe I should have done?"

Karen giggled. "Not sure it would have gone down to well, the last thing any of us needed was you being arrested for assaulting Charlie, that would have caused even more complications." She looked at the man on her right. Every time she saw his face she couldn't help but smile. There was something about him that made her feel safe. It would be wrong for her to say that she hadn't loved Charlie, she had, but it was different with Rob...the love between them, she was sure it was love was different.

Rob nodded. "You're probably right there. Have you heard from any of the kids?"

Karen shook her head. "No. I guess they've had a lot to talk about...none of us know what's going to happen with Maria...but I'm sure we would have heard if Charlie had gone to the house." She felt herself twisting her fingers round. No matter how many times she told herself that they would be ok...she was still worried.

Rob automatically noticed Karen playing with her fingers, he knew it was something she did whenever she was worried or stressed, and there was no need for him to ask what it was about. "They'll be ok Karen...I promise."


Karen heard herself sigh with relief as they pulled up to the front of the house. There were no cars on the drive. Rob had decided that he was driving her to hospital, and that meant leaving her car at school. When she was well enough he would drive her to school so she could bring her car come again, but until then it would be staying in her head teacher space. Rob had phoned Aiden asking if he wanted to join them all for pizza, so his moped was parked outside the house.

"Hold on. I'll come and help you out." Rob pulled his car on to the drive before jumping out and opening Karen's door for her. He knew that no matter what she was staying she still wasn't that steady on her feet.

"Thanks." This time Karen wasn't fighting the help. She was tired and in pain. She also knew that she was safe with him, so she let him support her body and guide her towards the house. She tried to open her eyes wider as they waited for someone to answer the door. "I didn't want them to see me like this Rob."

He gently kissed the side of her face that wasn't bruised. "They'll just be happy that you're home darling..." At that moment Bex pulled the door back. Aiden was stood behind her. He came out of the front door and supported Karen's other side in the way his Dad was doing and together they helped her into the house.

Once she was sat on the sofa she felt herself relax, it had been a long day and it was very quickly catching up with her. Harry was sorting out pillows to prop her up and Bex had bought her a cup of tea. "Jess?" Karen realised quickly that her younger daughter was missing from the scene.

"She's upstairs..." Bex broke off. Rob gently pulled her to the side. "She's been sick since we've been home...she wont come out the bathroom...and she wont stop crying...she thinks...well she's blaming herself."

"Ok sweetheart, well you make sure your Mum's ok here...and order the pizza...I'm sure you know what Jess likes and I'll have the same as Aiden."

Bex nodded. "I tried talking to her Rob...but she wouldn't listen..."

"It's ok." He reassuringly rubbed her shoulder. "We'll all be ok, and I'll go and talk to her..."

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