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Jess picked up the glass of water in front of her. For the first time in her life she was wishing that she was going to have a lecture about being sent out of the lesson. She knew that there hadn't been a real reason. Her Dad had been annoyed and was taking that frustration out on Jess. However getting an earful seemed like a better option then the one she was facing.

"I'll understand if want to talk to your Mum on her own Jess. I really don't want to intrude." Rob spoke from his seat to the left of Jess. He was looking directly at her. She looked at him and shook her head.

"I want you to stay...you're part of our lives now..." She smiled at him. She wanted him to know that she meant what she was saying. None of them could get over how much happier their Mum was with Rob. She was a completely different woman to the one who had been married to Charlie.

"Thank you." He smiled and nodded at her.

Karen took a deep breath. She knew that she didn't need to rush into anything, yet at the same time there was no point in baby stepping around the subject. "Jess...can I ask you a question about the father?" Karen sat on the sofa to the right of Jess. She hated standing up when she was talking to any of the kids. She much preferred feeling that she was on a level with them.

Jess looked at her Mum. She knew how much this was hurting them all, and she didn't want to do it anymore. "Ok."

Karen nodded. She lent in and took Jess' hands. "You need to know that no one is going to judge anything ok. We love you and want what's the best for you. Nothing is going to shock us." She lent in and kissed Jess' forehead.

Jess nodded. "I know...I love you too." She looked at her Mum before turning her head towards Rob. It felt strange to say that she loved him, but she did. He was more of a father to her than her biological one, and she knew that he cared about all of them.

"Is he a teacher here?" Karen didn't let go of Jess' hands. She wasn't sure whether it was to stop Jess from going or to give them both support.

Jess took a deep breath. She gently nodded. "Yes."

Karen nodded. "Ok." She looked straight at Jess and made sure that Jess was looking at her. She had been through the possibilities with Rob about who the father could be, and after discussing it they both knew that there was only really one person it could me. "Is it Chris Mead?"

This time Jess didn't move. She wanted to nod and tell them everything, but in the back of her mind the words were stuck from this morning. Chris' threats wouldn't leave her alone.

"I know it's hard Jess...and I know what he's said to you, but if you want this baby then we will make sure you can keep it. He's broken all the rules Jess and there's no way any judge is going to let him take the baby away from you." Karen had done some research with Rob before talking to Jess. She had wanted to know where they stood. That was it meant that she knew everything that she told Jess was true. She wouldn't be breaking any promises.

Jess felt herself shake as she tried to hold back the tears. "Yes...it's Chris...I'm so sorry...I wanted to tell you..." She took her hands from her Mum's and put them over her own face. She didn't want them to see her crying.

It was Rob that made the first move. He gently put his arms around Jess and pulled her close. "You're ok sweetheart. We'll deal with this together." He kissed her forehead and gently rocked her. He looked towards Karen. There was nothing he wanted more than to have longer arms so he could hold her as well. Not only had she just found out that her teenage daughter was pregnant with a teacher, but the teacher was her deputy and someone that Rob knew she respected.

Karen stood up from the sofa. "Rob...I'm going to go get Chris to come up. Will you take Jess to your office, and once I've dealt with Chris then I'll take her home. She doesn't need to be here today."

Jess pulled away from Rob and got off the sofa. She walked towards her Mum and flung her arms around her. "I love you Mum." She pulled back and smiled at her. "No more secrets." Jess hugged her Mum again, she didn't want to let go, but she knew that she had to.

Karen nodded. "That sounds like a good plan. I do know though Jess that the police are going to want a statement from you. Do you think you can do that for me?" She stroked the side of her daughters face.

Jess nodded. "Yeah." She walked over and picked up her bag before walking towards the door to the office with Rob.

Rob looked back. He didn't like the fact that Karen was going to have to deal with Chris on her own one bit. "Karen...I love you." It wasn't what he had wanted to say, but he hoped that his words meant more than a simple 'I love you.'

Karen smiled at him. "I love you too." There was something that went between the pair of them that meant more than anyone else could understand. "I'll come and see you both after." Karen nodded them towards the door. She wanted to make sure that they were both in the office when she talked to Chris.

Rob nodded and left with Jess. Karen watched them go. She could feel her stomach tightening. Whether she looked at it as a mother or a head teacher. The next hour was going to be hard.

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