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Okay so this is my first imagine book hope you like it!!! Sorry if it's crappy I try my best and I will update ASAP. They will probably be long. Hope you enjoy!!!


Your POV.

I looked up to the sky and saw the sky filled with white fluffy clouds, I decided to go for a walk around town I mean, the sun is out so why not?

I looked up again and just admire how beautiful the sky was. It was at the part of the day where the sky changed colors. As I was admiring the sky, I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry for running into you I wasn't watching were I was going" the stranger said apologetically. He helped me up and dusted myself off.

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention either" I said trying to get the dust off me.

"Here you dropped this" he said handing it to me.

I was about to take if, when I saw his hand and its his arms and then looked at his face. It was the person you absolutely fell in love with, Myles Blake Parrish. I wanted to fan girl so freaking bad, but I didn't want him to think I was one of those crazy ass fangirls Keep it cool y/n, just keep it cool, it's just Myles Parrish, Just Myles fucking hot ass Parrish

"Thank you " you said smiling at him

"No problem, and you have a beautiful smile, you should smile more often" he saw it flashing his million dollar smile. I turned red and then looked down.

"Thank you" you looked at your feet.

"Don't look down I want to see your beautiful face" He said pulling my chin up "I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a smoothy" He said as he ran his hand through his hair. Ugh he is so freaking cute.

"Don't you have soundcheck for the concert tonight?" You said confused then realized what you said you put your hands over your mouth great (y/n) now he thinks your a crazy ass fangirl, yep you blew it

He laughed at your reaction "I see your apart of Kamfam. I should have known, the KamFam girls are always beautiful, but we already did sound check"

"Oh, then sure I'll takebthat smoothie" you smiled "I'm (y/n) by the way"

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, and you already know that I'm Myles" he said laughing

"Your just full of complements aren't you" you smiled as you guys walked to the smoothie place.

"Well I wanna work my charm so you can like me, cause I kinda like you" he saaaid running his hand in the back of his neck.

"Well Myles I don't like you" I said as we walked in, he looked kinda upset

"Oh" he said

"I love you" I smiled at him as we ordered, his face out up with joy. When we got out smoothies we went to and outside table we just talked, about anything and everything. You fell more in love with him. We lost track of time and it was almost 7

"Frick, are you coming to the show?" He asked as he was picking up everything

"Cant afford it" you plainly said

"Well (y/n) I guess today is your lucky day" he smiled then pulled me to the venue

When we got inside, there were so many girls in line, that went around the block. Myles had his head down so no one would notice him. He went around the bus and  snuck in through the back. We got to the lounging area where they were and I saw Kalin and Cameron messing with Jake. They were laughing and filming for KamCam. Then I saw Ben walk on. I awkwardly just stood there not know what to do.

"Come on, sit" Myles said leading me to the couch

"Oh, no it's fine, I'd rather stand" I said awkwardly but he pulled me down "MYLES!" I squealed as I laughed. Then everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at me. "In sorry" I said

"Ooo  Myles had a girlfriend" Kalin teased

"Finally" Jake laughed

"We aren't together,  she's just a beautiful girl with an amazing personsality that I ran into" he smiled then kissed me on the cheek.

I blushed and looked down.

"Aweeee eewwwwe" they said in chorus and laughed.

"I'm (y/n)" I said with my hand out

"Kalin, Cam-" Kalin said, but I cut him off

"I know, I'm  actually part of Kamfam" I said quietly

There was a bit of awkward silence but then Jake yelled "Group Hug!" Then we all hugged, it felt weird, because Myles touched my butt but it was cool. They smelled so good, okay yeah I know that sounds weird but they do.

After we did our little group hug we talked, laughed goofed around, and was just having fun, then someone yelled "2 minutes till show time guys, Make her out there" Make left to DJ  and then they got ready, i watched them from the back while Cam room pictures and videos. You laughed at thier stupidity, and Jokes.

You started to get tired so you laid on the couch and went to sleep. You woke up an hour later by Myles.

"Wake up, come on sleepy head wake up" hevsaid softly

"In up im up" you said getting up and stretching "how long was I out? What time I it?" You asked running your eyes

"I don't know, you must have fell asleep when we were performing, and its about 11pm." He said looking at his phone

"I should get home" you said getting up yawning.

"I'll walk you home" he offered, I just nodded. He went over to tell the squad where he was going.

"Come on let's go" he hurried so no girls would attack him.

When we were out of sight of the girls veiw and the venue,  we walked and talked. It was a beautiful and a great day.

When we got to my apartment door, I turned to him and said "Well this I me, thanks. It was a good day you smiled and kissed him on the cheek then smiled. I was about to walk in but he grabbed my wrist then twirled me around and kissed me, his hands wrapped around my waist and my hands wrapped around go neck. Could this day get any better? We pulled away.

"Maybe this doesn't have to be out last time" I said then his phone rang. It was kalin. He took the call and told Kalin he would be back in like 2 minutes.  Then he hung up. "Ugh, there's something wrong with my phone "

Out of curiousity you asked "What's wrong with it?"

"It doesn't have your number" I smile. You laughed at his stupid luck up line.

"I should have seen that coming" you laughed and then took his phone and put your number in it. Then took a selfie with him. I turned back to him and have him, his phone back.

"I'll see you around" he smiled then kissed my on the cheek. Went inside and then, I walked up to my apartment room, i unlocked the door and when I looked out the window I saw Myles Dancing while walking down the street. I laughed to myself and took a video until he was out of site. I got my Pjs in and laid in bed smiling, thinking about today and how today was the best day ever.

Kalin and Myles imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin