Sharknado-Kalin white

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You decided to go to the beach cause it was a nice day. You got your beach bag and put your towel, extra clothes, sun tan lotion, moising lotion and a jacket (just in case it gets cold) you put on some shorts, your favorite tank top and put on some flip flops. Once you were done with everything, you grabbed your keys, your headphones and your phone. Then you grabbed your bag and went to your car.
------ Skip car ride ------
When you got there, you found a parking spot close to the beach so you didn't have to walk far.

Your P.O.V
Finally you thought as you found the perfect spot. Not to close or to far from the water. I decided to lay down to get a little tan. After about 5-6 minutes of tanning I decided to get in the water. There went that many people in the water. I looked around to see everyone, there where families, other teens, couples etc. There was this one group of boys and a girl that caught my eye. The girl was not that short, she had brown hair with blonde ends, she had a bikini on which instant made me insecure, she was so beautiful and skinny and I was just fat. The guy next her were holding hands, I'm guessing they are together, he had long blonde hair combed over to the side he was kinda cute, he was like an inch taller than the girl. The other guy was kinda like the blonde, but he has brown hair, a poof and was really cute. The last guy was really hot, he had a little fro, he was lightskin, and he had muscles. I went in the water and started to swim out, after like 20 seconds of me swimming the tall hot guy called out "HEY! COME BACK! COME BACK! SHARKS!" When I tried around I saw a big tornado with sharks in it. I stated to swim to shore, then the tall hot guy came for me with a jet ski, "Hop on" he said as he helped me on. I wrapped my arms around him. "Kalin" he said, "(Y/N)" I replied. We were almost to shore when a shark came and bit my thigh, K screamed out in pain "AHHH!" then Kalin grabbed his pocket knife and stabbed th shark multiple times until it let go. I had a huge bite mark on my thigh now and it hurt like heck. When we got to the shore Kalin carried me to a little beach hit that the lifeguards use. When we got in I saw the 3 people from earlier. They shut all the windows and doors and everything. He put me on the counter and the girl took out a first aid kit. "Your bleeding a lot I have to stitch it up, it's gonna hurt a lot brace yourself" she said. Kalin was beside me and held my hand while the brown haired dude with the poof held my leg down so I wouldn't move it. "okay" was all that I managed to say as I braced myself for the pain. "AHHH!" I yelled as I squeezed Kalins hand. This went on for about 10 minutes of me yelling from the pain. She was finally done and cleaned it then wrapped it up. I sat up on the counter and she sat on it with me, "thanks" I said with a small smile. "Your welcome" she said returning the smile. Kalin then came over to me, "this is dom" he said pointing to the girl "Jake" he said pointing to the blonde "and Myles" he said pointing to the dude with brown hair. "Hey I'm (Y/N)" I said putting my hand out to shake but they just hugged me, they got me by surprise but I hugged back. "Thank you for saving me, it means a lot"

"No problem, how could I live with myself if I let a beautiful girl like you stay out there" he said looking into my eyes, wow he has beautiful eyes, then I looked down and blushed

"I'm not beautiful"

"Yes you most definitely are. What make syoi think other wise?" He asked with a curious face.

"Because.... I'm fat, I have ugly hair, my eyes are the color of poop, I'm not a "fashionista", I don't have any true friends and most of all I'm just...... Me" I said looking down biting the inside of my cheek.

"Hey, that isn't tr-" he was interrupted when a shark came from the floor.

"Kalin throw me the knife" Myles yelled Kalin threw Myles the knife and Myles stabbed the shark. "We have to cover up the hole so the other sharks don't get in" he said he looked around. "Jake, Kalin help me move the cabinet" they moved the cabiy over the hole and Jake, Myles and dom all sat on it. Kalin came back "So as I was saying" he said catching his breath and sitting back on the counter. "Yeah your a little over weight but that doesn't effect the way I look at you you could be way bigger and I would still look at you like your the most gorgeous girl in the world. I love your hair it's really pretty and I love the color and how it shins in the sun. Your eyes arenty the color of poop your eyes are lighter, I love to look in your eyes because I just get lost in them, they sparkle in the sun. You don't have to be a "Fashionista" to be amazing I'd rather date a girl who would wear what she loves instead of a girl who just wears stuff because its "Cool". You don't have to have any true friends for me to fall in love with you, that's awesome for me because I get to have you all to myself" then he hugged me tight and rubbed his face all over mine and I just laughed at his cuteness. "And I love who you are, how you look and your personality. I can tell that your a kind hearted perosn. And I would live to get to know you more" he said. We stared into each others eyes for what felt like hours then we both leaned in and...... "Ooooo" we heard the others say before we could kiss. Kalin gave them a cold stare. I just laughed. "Well thanks guys for killing our moment" Kalin said sarcasticly "your welcome" Jake said back.

"Okay guys we need a plan to get out of here" Myles said

"But the streets are flooded and the tornado" Dom said

"There are rescue that can help us" Jake said

"Okay then I'll get the flair gun" Kalin said a stood up

"No it's to dangerous" Myles said putting his hand on his chest

"Myles you know I can make it" Myles hesitated for a second.

"Alright Kalin, hurry in and out" Kalin nodded his head out a pair of goggles, took the knife, came over to me and kissed me "Just in case I don't come back" he said with a smile. Then I got up and helped them lift up the cabinet when Kalin dove down we put half the cabinet back on. We sat on it to catch out breaths.

"How long can he hold his breath?" I sad curiously/Worriedly

"A long time he was a championship swimmer" Myles said while smiling a little then looked down. Wait, what did he mean was

"Was? What happened?" I asked

"Well, he stopped swimming because"

Kalins P.O.V
As I was swimming to get the flair gun from the closet under the life gaurd hut. As I was searching for it I was thinking... Did I seriously fall in love with a stranger? She's beautiful, funny, her eyes are wow and the way her hair shines in the light, just wow, I finally found the flair and made my way back up. This time a went to the side of the hut and climbed to the top, loaded to flair and shot it 3 times. I made a hole on the top and climbed in.

"I shot the flairs"

"Hopefully someone saw them" dom said.

Then I suggested "Hey let's get on the top" they all agreed, so I climbed back up and (Y/n) was the first one up I pulled her up, then next was dom, then Jake and then while Myles was about to get up the sharks started to hit at the cabinet again so Myles lost balance and fell. The cabinet was almost off so o went down to try and save Myles. I quickly grabbed him "Myles come on!" I yelled and helped him up. Then a shark came up and tried to bite me. "Kalin grab my hand!" I heard (Y/n) yell. Then I grabbed her hand, her, dom Jake and Myles pulled me up. We all layed on top. Dom was in Jake's arms and (Y/n) was in mine and Myles was just laying there. A few minutes went by and we saw a rescue helicopter. "HELLO!" Someone yelled

"O my gosh" (Y/N) said then tried to get up I helped her.
We all stood up and waved out hands and yelled "OVER HERE! HELP US PLEASE!" then they threw a ripe down and we all climd it onto the helicopter and went to dry land. We all we to a saftey house and people took care of the shark tornado with out help. After that me and (Y/N) started dating and moved in with each other, then I asked her to marry me, she said yes, we got married and had 2 children and girl and a boy. A prince and a princess. They are all that matters to me
I didn't really know how to end that
But I was watching sharknado while writing this

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