wtf- Kalin White

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Your P.O.V
I was waiting for Kalin, my boyfriend of 3 years, to get home cause he went went to have a boys week out. He's been gone for a whole 3 weeks and I miss him like crazy, the weird thing is, is that he never, called, or texted. They probably didn't get any service over there.

I decided to watch The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air because Will Smith is super  funny. I was about to doze off when I heard a car pull up. I knew it was the squad. Timmy came in first and have me bear hug, then Fairfax picked me up and spun me around, i sqealed with laughter. Myles then have me a big hugs and kissed me on the cheek Awe lil ybm is so cute I thought to myself. Jake came in and ran to me and I ran to him we tackled each other and laughed. Dom came in behind him, "Dom!" I yelled

"(Y/n)!" She yelled, we ran into each others arms and  hugged. Then Kalin came in last looking down on his phone, I smiled big.

"Kalin!" I yelled, he looked up and then looked back at his phone while I was running to jump on him like I always did, but this time he didn't catch me. So we both fell.

"Ouch (y/n)! Wtf?" He said throwing me off of him and getting up as I just sit there on the floor confused.

"You were supposed to catch me, like you always do" I said in a soft voice getting up.

"Well maybe I can't carry you anymore! Gosh why don't you work out or something so I can actually carry you damn" he said going to the kitchen with Timmy, and Myles. Jake, Dom and Fairfax were just standing there mad looks at Kalin.

My smile automatically dropped once those words left his mouth. He's right I thought to myself. I choked back the tears, I turned to Jake, Dom and Fairfax and faked a smiled.

"Um... I'm gonna be right back, there's food in he kitchen." I smiled then left to go upstairs. I went to now Kalins room. I grabbed my suitcase, and threw all my clothes in there. And everything I needed. It's like I wasn't even there. I sat on the bed and cryed for 5 minutes, just crying my eyes out.

He doesn't need me I kept repeating over and over in my head. I then got up and walked downstairs with my suitcase. Everyone was in the kitchen talking.

"-maybe because I don't love her anymore" I heard Kalin say. My heart hat shattered into peices

"You've been playing her the whole time haven't you? Having her waist all her love I'm you, you don't know how to treat a girl. I honestly can't believe you. Your supposed to love and care for her, your just an asshole." I then heard Fairfax say along with Jake

"Bruh I admit I did have feeling a for her at first, then she got too clingy, she gained a bunch of weight, and I wish she could wear make up all the time, my feelings just faded away along with her figuer" I didn't want to hear anymore of what Kalin was gonna saying, I quietly left and just walked, I don't know where, but I just walked. My keys were in the kitchen. And I left my phone on the couch. I just need to get away.  I had some money to last me a week, i rented a small apartment. I later on the bed staring at the ceiling juust crying.... Then my eyes were getting heavy. I soon fell asleep.

Fairfax P.O.V
What the fuck is up with Kalin. When (y/n) went upstairs, I could tell she was about to cry. I went to the kitchen and saw Kalin with Timmy and Myles laughing.

"Dude what the hell is your problem?" I told Kalin

"What?" Kalin looked up at me

"Don't act dumb that stuff that you said to (y/n), that wasn't cool bro"

"You guys always told me to tell her the truth, so I did, you want me to lie? Okay fine, she's gorgeous,  she doesn't need makeup, she has a perfect figure, she's everything I need, and I love her" Kalin finished. I wanted to punch him so bad.

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