Health Class -Kalin White

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Your P.O.V
"He doesn't like me. Who would like me?" I said to my best friend as we were walking into the health class room

"Umm, I dont know mabye him!" She said sarcastically. We took our seats like we always do and talked about How the guy I like doesn't like me back. When the bell rang indicating that it's time for the class to get started our teacher (Mr.Dallas) Took his chair and put it in the front Middle of the classroom by the door.

"Okay class so I want the girls on this side" he point to his right "and I want the boys on this side" he pointed to his left. As we all got up and moved to our new seat, I caught a glimse of my crush flirting with another girl. I sighed. Me and my best friend sat in the front close to Mr.dallas and my crush sat across from me. I could stare at him all day but I can't cause he would think I'm creepy

"Okay class for this period your gender will ask the opposite gender a question you have for them like for example the girls will ask the boys a question and the boys will ask the girls a question, if you have a question please raise your hand and if you don't then I will read some questions that previous classes of mine had. So first things first any questions?" We looked around the room and no one had their hand up. "First question is for the guys, 'why do guys like boobs so much? Their just balls of fat'" one of the guys in the front row answered "We like boobs because thier nice and soft like we don't want to just lay on abs" and all boys agreed with him

"I would want to lay on abs" I told my best friend and she agreed with me and we both laughed.

"Girls 'why do girls always go to bathroom in pairs?'"

No one said anything on the girls side so I decided to speak up. " a lot of girls go to the bathroom in pairs for different reasons like, if they wanna borrow thier friends make up, or gossip about thier date, and yeah" I said and the rest of the girls agreed with me. My crush was looking at me and I looked at him back, omg his eyes are just amazing, I gave him a smile and he have me a wink, I blushed and looked at Mr.Dallas for the next question.

"Guys 'when you have a boner can you bend it?'" All the guys burst out laughing and so did the girls
"No you can't bend it, when we have a boner it feels like we have a bone in there when thier isn't and I'm pretty sure it would hurt if we tried to bend it" my crush answered

"Girls 'how can you tell if a girl likes a guy?'"

Everyone just looked at me so I just answer all of them cheezitsrice

"It depends on the girl, every girl has thier different way of flirting or giving signs she likes you like some twirl thier hair or laugh at your stupid jokes or touch you a lot, or always smile at you it just depends on the girl."

The whole class period we laughed at all the funny questions for both genders. At the end of class everyone left and me and my best friend were picking up our stuff.

"Close it when you leave please" Mr.Dallas told me

"Will do sir" I said, he always trusts me cause he knows that I'm a good student.

When he left it was just me, my best friend and my crush, my back was turned to him putting my things in my backpack.

"Bye (y/n) see you in Mr.Espinosa's class" your friend waved bye to you and left you with your crush. You dropped your pencils case and bent over to pick it up, your felt eyes on your ass and turned around and saw Cameron Parrish (your crush) walking over to you.

"Hey (y/n)" he said in a sexy voice. Omfg does he know that turns me on??????

"Um.. h-hey" you managed to get out

"I was wondering if you could help me get caught up in this class?" You didn't know what to say you were about to say something but then he kissed you, you were surprised. Your back was against the desk with both of your hands on either side of your desk. As shocked as you were you closed your eyes and kissed him back.

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