Night racing • Kalin

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Your P.O.V

It was night, probably around midnight. I came down to the dessert where I race with a couple of my friends. Sometimes other people come and make bets on whoever think their gonna win or even join in.

"Aye waddup race queen" one of my friends said as we did our hand shake. They called me Race Queen cause I never lost. I've been interested in cars since I was 10

"Hey B" I said. We walked over to my car

"So there's this new kid that wants to race" she said while leaving against my car. She was the money holder, bet placer and chooses to pick who races first and who races who. She pretty good at telling who can go against who. We always lived across the street from each other, were best friends

"Another new kid, what's his deal" I said as I popped the hood of my car and checked everything

"Names Kalin, from what I've heard... he's pretty dangerous, the fun dangerous, always likes a challenge, badass but has a big heart-" she paused for a second "and really really hot" she said. I looked up at her like 'are you serious' I saw her biting her lip and looked over in the direction she was looking at. I looked over my shoulder and saw a tall, light skin, no shirt, basketball shorts, Js on, pretty buff. He looked over in my direction. He looked right into my eyes and I looked right back in his. My palms started to sweat and knees were weak. Wtf is happening to me? I thought to myself, I looked away and went back to checking to see if everything was good to go especially the NOS "Your racing him" she said as she closed my hood with me

"Why? You know I don't race newbies it's too much of an easy win" I looked at her while wiping my hands from oil and grease

"Than he shouldn't be a problem" she said then walked off towards him, I rolled my eyes I swear to god she's always trying to set me up with somebody after Jack (ex boyfriend)

Honestly I don't need a guy in my life to make me happy, I love what I do everyday and I don't need a guy to be here. After Jack I promised myself that nothing like that would ever happen to me again. I pulled myself out of my own thoughts cause I didn't want to think about him so I just started my car and went to the starting line. You already gave B the money before hand so she just had to get it from the new guy Kalvin or Kalin whatever. I heard a car pull up next to me, i looked over and sure enough it was him

"Kalin" he said waving

"(Y/N)" I said back

"You have amazing eyes" he said I laughed

"Keep your eyes on the road pretty boy" I said and the looked straight ahead at Jonah, he was the one that always started it

"Racer 1 are you ready!" He yelled point at me I just revived my engine indicating i was ready

"Racer 2 are YOU ready!" He yelled point at Kalin, he revived his engine supper loud I just chucked a little "Alright on 3....2...." I was getting ready to punch the gas "..1... GO!" I pinched he gas pedal I could tell Kalin did the same thing, at first I was a ahead and then he caught up a bit, we were nearly neck in neck I was getting ready to hit the NOS button but then all of a sudden I could feel a sharp pain in my left side. I screamed out in pain. My car rolled a few times and then stopped, I was barley co conscious, I could taste my own blood but I knew I had to get out, but I couldn't. I was in too much pain but I tried anyway.

"Are you okay" I heard a faint voice I tired to respond but I couldn't my vision was blurry and I could tell that flames were starting. I felt someone help me out of my car and carry me far away before the car could explode. I rested my head on their chest and tried to control my breathing. Once I got it under control I looked up to see who saved me. My vision was still a little blurry but I could tell who it was... Kalin "im so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen" I kept saying, what was he talking about? He looked like he had a few cuts and bruises. I was sitting on the hood of a car and someone gave me a towel to wipe myself with

"Shit (Y/N) are you okay?" B asked as she pushed her way through the crowd

"Yeah I'm fine, wh-what happened" I said rubbing my head. Everyone looked at Kalin I was so confused

"I tried to show off but I lost control of the car and couldn't stop it, you flipped and when I got to strength to get up I helped you out of your car" he said looking straight at me 'this dude is insane' I thought to myself 'I like it'

" your crazy" I said laughing and pushing him.

"I'll make it up to you" he said getting closer and people backed up a little so they could make room for us

"How?" I said kinda interested in what he has to offer

"Let me take you out to dinner" he said taking my hand" I felt butterflies in my stomach

"In one condition" I said he raised his eyebrow clearly interested in what I had to say next.

"You owe me a 30 second car"

"Alright deal" he said "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8" he said, kissed my hand and then went to his car and drove off.... what am I getting myself into?
HEY LOVES! Long time no write huh? I was debating if I actually wanted to continue to write here. What do you guys think? Should I continue or just end it?? Let me know what you think 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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