Really? ~ Kalin white

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Your P.O.V

O great it's about 6 in the morning. Have to catch the stupid bus, with stupid strangers cause my stupid parents won't drive me to stupid school, this is all just stupid I mumbled to myself. My parents made me move all the way out here To cali when I was perfectly fine were I was. I had friends, I loved our cozy little house, my school was fun. But now, new friends, new school, new place. UGHHH. When I it up I went t the bathroom and then jumped in the shower. I didn't want to take too long, so it was a quick little shower. When I got out I put on some galaxy leggings and a black shirt, with my black Vans. I grabbed my backpack and made sure I had everything I needed, then grabbed my earphones, my bus card, and my phone. When I walked out the house it was about 6:30, the bus came at 6:45, Iwalke kinda fast But not really.

By the time I got there I had about 5 minutes to kill. So I plugged in my headphones and blasted my music. The bus finally came. There weren't that many people on the bus so I found a spot and placed my back pack on the side of me.

On the next stop the bus stopped, a couple of people came on the bus, I didn't look I just stared out the window the sky over here in the morning is gorgeous. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I pulled out my earphone and I looked up to see a tall cute guy. He was around 6'3, lightskin, and beautiful brown eyes.

"Can I sit here? There isn't any more seats on here" he said flashing his smile.

"Sure" I said moving my backpack, placing it on the floor.

"Craig" he said with his hand out for me to shake

"(Y/n)" I said shaking his hand

We talked the whole bus ride. We actually were going to the same school so he helped me a bunch on the buses I needed to take cause I had to take 3 fricking stupid buses. When we got there he showed me around a bit, and introduced me to some of his friends.

"This is Jake or Jakeyp, his girlfriend dom, Myles Cameron and Ben" his friends were pretty cute, he showed me to all my classes and helped me out. It was a pretty good day. When it was lunch he wanted to take me out to luch, I said sure cause why not.

When we were walking out the door I saw this guy sitting in a corner under the stairs reading a book. There were some kids picking on him and making fun of him, he just stayed there and dug his face in the book.

"Who's that?" I asked Craig

"Oh that's Kalin, he's the school nerd. No I'm likes him, he's a complete dork, he has no friends." Craig said laughing. I glaredvat Craig.

"I'm gonna put a rain check on that much date. I don't want hand with you if you just pick on other kids who don't deserve it"

"How can I not, such a freaking nerd, his face is always in a stupid book, he's always in a corner, he doesn't belong here, he's ist a waist of space"

I got heated, I slapped Craig so hard it hurt my hand ist as much as it hurt his face " don't you dare talk about someone like that everyone is worth something" with that I walked off he grabbed my wrist

"(Y/n) I-" he started to say but I cut him off

"Don't you touch me or talk to me, leave me alone until you realize that everyone is worth something and that everyone is human and had feelings" I tanked my wrist from his grip. I wales towrad Kalin where there were a group of kids bullying him.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE" I yelled as I pushed them away. They all were laughing and mumbling things. They walked away. I say next to him and handed him his glasses, "I'm guessing these are yours"

"Yeah, thank you" he said putting them on. "You didnt have to do that, I'm used to ut by know"

"Well a person shouldn't get used to it. No one deserves to be alone and miserable" then I looked at the book he was reading trying to make conversation "You like Harry Potter?"

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