Grocery store-Kalin

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Kalin P.O.V
There is no food. I'm gonna cry.

"Why can't you get it YOU'RE the one that wants food" he said as he was walking in the kitchen.

"Fine then give money" I said putting my hand out so he could give me the money. When he gave me the money I just walked there cause it wasn't that far from our house. When I got there I got a shopping cart and I started to fill it up with some food. Then while I was looking for more food cause a boy gotta eat, I crashed shopping carts with someone.

OMFB he is to cute. Why can't I have him. Oh yeah because he doesn't freaking know I exist!!! The things this boy does to me. I thought to myself as I was watching Kalin and Myles' new video for Trampoline. Why does Kalin have to be so freaking hot! Myles I a Lil cute, but I don't like him like that. I was bouncing on my bed and singing cause you gotta bounce it like a trampoline. While I was bouncing my mom came in

"Do you wanna go to the grocery store with me and why do you ALWAYS have to jump on your bed?" My mom said

"Sure, and because Kalin told me to" I said with a laugh, she just rolled her eyes.

While we where getting in the car she just asked me about Kalin and Myles and why I love them, especially Kalin. I liked the conversation. We FINALLY got there and she parked to car. When we got in I took a shopping cart and just put food in and drinks. While my mom was following me. Then I bumped into someone. "Ow" I said as my stomach hit the rail thingy (Idk ) when I looked up I saw the person I fell in love with. Kalin Jure White.
"Honey, isn't that the guy that you think is hot and that you talk to much about?"

"MOM!" I said blushing and looking back at Kalin. "Im- uh... So-sorry I wasn't... Um... Looking where I was going" I said as I stuttered a bit.

"It's fine beautiful, I wasn't either" he said as he flashed his gorgeous smile, that made me melt.

"I think he likes you" my mom whispered toe, well it wasn't really a whisper since he heard it. UGH why do moms have to be so embarrassing?

"Omfb mom your embarrassing me in front on my husband- uh... I mean in front of Kalin"

My face turned as red as a tomato. Then I turned back to Kalin "Okay I know this is weird, especially since we are in a grocery store but, can I get a picture?"

"Sure thing princess" he said as he wrapped hit hands around my waist and out eyes met, wow I could get lost in his beautiful green eyes, as we where staring into each others eyes. Then he leaned in so did I, and then we kissed. Sparks flew. Wow. Was all I could think if to say. That was amazing.

As we pulled away my mom said that we should get going, I was about to walk away when I felt Kalin grab my wrist. "Here" he handed me a piece of paper "Call me". O my mother fraking gosh!!!! Did I really just get THE KALIN WHITES number!?!?!?!?!?!? I fangirled so hard inside but on the outside I just smiled and winked at him as he was walking away. When me and my mom got in the car she asked why I was smiling so hard "Because today was the best day ever" I said as I was looking out the window daydreaming about Kalin.

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