snapchat- Kalin White

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You where just sitting your room staring at the ceiling hekka bored. Then you got an idea.

You took out your phone and started to play music while lip syncing on snapchat and sent them to Myles Kalin, and Cam. There is no way they are gonna see the. They have like hundreds of girls sending them stuff. You thought as you spammed them with videos and fun pics.

~~~~~~~~~ few hours later ~~~~~~~~~
It was almost 2 in the morning so you decided to go to bed. You got ready for bed and went to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~ Morning ~~~~~~~~~
You woke up and smelled eggs, Bacon and pancakes. You quickly got up so you could get some before your brothers and sisters could eat all of them. You got your plate and started to eat. Then your little brother started to throw pieces of bacon at you. Then you guys started to have a good fight.

"Now you guys can clean this up" your mom said

"Ughhh" you guys groand then started to pick up.

When you guys were done you were bored again. So you went on snapchat and spammed Myles, Kalin and Cam with videos and funny pics again. You were laughing because it was fun and funny

"Hey Y/N wanna go to the mall" your older sister asked

"Sure I could use new clothes for the boys" you said, and you both laughed

"Yeah, okay. Hurry and get dressed"

You got up and started to play Kalin and Myles mix you sung and dance while you did all you had to do then you walked into your living room were your sister was watching t.V

"Leggoooo" you say as you plop on the couch, and just seconds later getting back up.

"Alright, leggoooo den" your sister said. You both laughed. And went to her car.

~~~~~~~~~ At the mall ~~~~~~~~~
You guys were walking around when you saw this really cute shirt at forever 21. You pulled your sister into the store and tried on the shirt. It was a bit big but it was whever you would grow into it. Then you decide to snapchat Kalin, Myles, and Cam again cause why not. You got out your phone and you started to record yourself and others. Then when you were done you put your phone away.

"Can we get some food, I'm hungryyy" you whined.

"Gosh, your always hungry that's something you and Kalin have in common" she said while laughing

"Well duh he's my husband" you said in a duh tone

You guys laughed and made your way to get something to eat and took your phone out to snapchat the boyz cause why not. You got pizza, and took a bite, while you opened snapchat. When you did you saw that Kalin had opened all your snapchats and snapchated you back. You choked on your pizza and couldn't believe it you dropped your phone in shock.

"What?" She said worried you didn't answer you just picked up your phone and looked at it one more time. Then screamed

"AHHHHH O MY GOSH, O MY GOSH, O MY GOSH AHHHHHHHH" everyone in the mall just stared at you. You just screamed one more time.

"Y/S/N he opens and snapchated me back!!!!!" You squealed. She screamed and both of you screamed.

You opened the snapchat and it was 3 videos of him lip syncing 5 more hours with Cam, Myles, and Jakeeyp. You and your sister laughed at thier goofiness, them 3 pictures. First one was of all of them and captioned "Aye babygirl". The second one was of all them shirtless caption " oh didn't see you there ". The third was of Kalin taking a mirror selfie with his pants really really low and his shirt off. You almost died. You screenshot everything of course. You then took a selfie with your sister and said " Wassup baby K" and you and Kalin just kept Snapchating each other.

I know this sucks, I've just had a lot on my mind. So imma take a break of writing and will post all my stories that I wrote. So see you guys soon. Love y'all

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