Winker- Myles

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"Almost done with our first year wow" I said to my best friend as we were walking to our new classes togeather.

"I know right, hopefully I have some cute guys in my class" she said pretending to fan herself. I just rolled my eyes as we were coming up to our wing. I was in the lower B-Wing and she was in the upper B-Wing.

"Well hopefully you have some cute guys I'll see you in afterschool, byeee" I said walking down the stairs waving bye with one hand cause the other was holding my books

"Byeee see ya in after school!" She yelled as she was going to get class. I looked around the room numbers for B4, and realized it was next to my favorote class (English) I walked in and the teacher was in the middle of the room, telling people where they sit. I got in line and waited.

"hello im Mr.Johnson and welcome to my class room, Your name is...?" he said politly. Damn he is so frickin hot.

"Im (Y/N)" I say smiling at him. As he checks his seating chart.

"Right Ms.(Y/L/N) your desk is over there" he point to the left side of the room wire the Windows were. There were a row of desks in 3s I took my seat in the middle desk and put my backpack on the back of the seat. I turned around to get my binder, and pencil case out. I heard somone sit down in the seat behind me, I didnt bother looking up, I was focused on getting my huge binder out. I got out a pencil and turned to my History section. I just doodled while I waited. Then the ball finally rang.

"Hello class, I'm Mr.Johnson your History teacher. We are all gonna go around, say our names and say 3 things about ourselfs. 1) favorite color 2) favorite singer or band and 3) favorite food." Then he pointed to the kid infront of me "lets start with you Mr. Bieber" he said.

"Uh, My names Justin and My favorite color is Purple.My favorite singer is Michael Jackson, and my Favorite food is spaghetti" then it was my turn.

"Um.. My name is (Y/N). My favortie color is (Ur/Fav/color), My favorite singer is (fav/singer) and my favorite food is (Fav/food)" you said then the person beind you went.

"My name is Kalin" Damn he is cute I thought to my self

"*Cough* *Cough* Fuckboy *cough* *cough" someone said

"fight me fight me right now, Aaron" He said smiling and then standing up so did the guy im guessing his name is Aaron.

"Bring it White" Aaron said. The both laughed and then sat down

"Anyways, My name is Kalin, My favorite color is red, and I love me some Breezy and I love all kinds of food" Kalin said then the it shifted to person next to him

"Aye im Brian, My favorite color is Blue, My favorite singer is Beyonce, and My favorite food would have to be Mangos" And the the guy in front of him which would be the guy next to me went.

"Whaddup I'm Myles." DAMN he is hella cute you thought to yourself.

"O trust me we know" some kid said and then the class started laughing.

"Shut up Taylor" he laughted. Omfg he laugh is so cute and his smile I just wow

"Waddup I'm Myles" he looked at me for a moment and then out eyes locked "Um..Uh" he was lost for words. Hmmm. He shook his head and started to get nervous. "Uh, my favorite color is Orange, I don't reply have a favorite band ie artist. And my favorite food is chicken. And yeah dats me" he said. Sounding like a kid at the end. Am I really crushing on someone I dont know? Or haven't even met?

I turned to look at the person infront of him. He's cute too, but I think Myles looks better.

"Aye im Cameron, my favorite color is red, My favorite rapper is Drake, and My faborite food is steak"

It went around everyone, it took a while because there were people messing with other people and we just laughed. There are a lot of cute guys in this class, I'm so glad I have it.

"Okay class settle down" Mr.Johnson said "Today we will begin our first project. It will count for majority of you grade, so If you fail this class" then he got pieces of paper and started to hand them out. "You will be working in partners, Your partner is the person sitting next to you, and right now i'm handing out and sheet with instructions." I looked over at Myles and then he looked at me, I waved and and gave me a piece sign. I looked back at my paper and read it twice to make sure I was reading it right. The teacher explained how the class will go each day and that on Wednesdays we will got up to the Library and work on our project and blah blah blah. I started to wrtie down in black little book that I always carry around, I write about my deepest thoughts and let NOBODY see whats in it. When he was done explain everything we had to get with our partners.

I turned my desk and so did Myles, "Hey Im (Y/N)" you said giving him a warm smile

"Hey im Myles" he said smiling extra hard.

"Look im not tryna be a bitch or anything but I really wanna get this done and over with and get an A in this class. I dont wanna fail cause i've never failed a class. So just tell me now if your gonna work or not, so I dont have to do everything at the last minute. Either we work together and you commit or I do all the work and put your name on it." I told him just being straight forward.

He just looked at me with a smile.

"Well" I said getting irritated. He was trying to do that charming look he always gives girls but it won't work on me. I say back in my seat, crosses my arms and have him that irritated look.

"I'll work with you" he said

"Okay good cause I have an idea on what to do, so we are gonna do-" I was saying when he cut me off

"I wasn't finished" I raises an eyebrown at him "I'll work with you you, IF you let me take you out on a date" then he winked

I thought about it, i already knew what I was gonna pick it would be....

To be continued.....

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