New Kid -Myles

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You P.O.V

You were talking to you next class and then all of a sudden you felt someone pushed you into the lockers, when you looked up to see who it pushed you, you saw your bullies Katie, Jada, And Sarah. They have been bulling you since the beginning of the year, you never knew why though. As they walked off the 'Queen Bee' said "Watch were your going loser" and then laughed. You almost cried but you held it in, you just picked up you books and while you were reaching for your pile of papers you felt someone hand. You looked up to see a really cute guy. He had dreamy brown eyes that you could get lost in and a smile that could light up a room. "S-sorry" you quickly pulled your hand away from his and continued to pick up your papers.

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm helping you pick up you stuff" he said with a smile and picked up your papers handing them to you

"Thanks" you said quickly then turned to go to you class

"WAIT!" Cute boy yelled. You stopped and turned around to see him running towards you. Then he trapped a fell you laughed a little then went to help him up and see if he was okay.

Myles P.O.V
Great, a new school. Isn't this fantastic. I can't believe my parents forced me to come here. So unfair. When I got to school I saw 3 girls push another girl in the lockers. One girls yelled "Watch were your going loser" then laughed. I felt bad for that girl, so I decided to help her with her papers and books. When I bent down to help her pick up her papers. When our hands touched I had this feeling, it was like- kinda like- hard to explain. But it was a good feeling. When I looked up at her, she had beautiful eyes that I could stare in forever, and a smile that just was wow, she was beautiful. "S-sorry" she said stuttering.

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm helping you pick up you stuff" I said with a class and handed her, her papers.

"Thanks" she said quickly then made her way to her class

She's to pretty to just let go. I need to go after her. She makes me feel some type of way () that no other girl made me feel.

So I ran after her

Bad Idea

While I was running towards her I yelled "WAIT!!!" Then tripped. Great going Myles, just great.

"Hey you okay?" She said with a little giggle but a little concern.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need to watch where I'm going" I said as I was getting up and she helped me. "Myles" I said

"Huh?" She said with a confused look on her face. She is so cute

"My name is Myles" I said with a smile"

"Oh... I'm (Y/N)" she said with a smile. Wow her smile. "We should get to class, let me see your schedule" I handed her my schedule and she started to smile a little bit.

Your P.O.V
After I helped out we introduced ourselves and then I remembered that we have class. "We should get to class, let me see your schedule"
He handed me his schedule and I smiled a little boy because we have always every class together.

"How come your smiling?"

"Oh um... Well we have almost every class together to I guess I'll show you to your classes." I said as I gave him back his schedule and started walking to first hour.

"Okay so our first class is Mr.Gilinsky he's our History teacher, but don't worry he's cool. Most of the teachers here are cool."

When we entered our history class, Mr.Gilinsky was talking about the revolutionary war and we just made it to our seats quietly, then he said "Well thanks for finally making it Ms. Y/L/N and Mr... I don't believe I've met you." He said confused.

"I know sir, I'm new here"

"Well then, stand up and tell us a little bit about yourself" Mr.Gilinsky said as he sat on his desk.

"Okay, um... Well My name is Myles Parrish, I just moves here with my family. And my favorite color is red." Myles said and then sat down.

Well Mr.Parrish it's nice to meet you and hopefully you have a very nice welcome here" Mr.Gilinsky said and then went back to teaching. The class took forever to end and then the bell finally rang.

"So where off to next?"
Myles said

"Now we go to Mr.Dallas our Biology teacher." You said and then looked down to see your shoe is untied. "You go ahead of my while I tie my shoe, just go straight and then swing a left." You said as you bent down to tie your shoe

"Alright see you there" he said and went to class.

As you were almost done tying your shoe you hit the floor. And all your books fell out of your hand making your papers go everywhere. You knew it was your bullies Katie,Jada, and Sarah. Why are they doing this? What have I ever done to them? Why won't they leave me alone?

"Hey Ugly bitch" Sarah said laughing. "You better stay away from that new kid Myles if you know what's best for you, he will be mine.and I don't need a slut like you to get in the way"

You just nodded your head and then Katie started to kick you and Jada started to punch you and Sarah said mean things to you while punching you. Then after what felt like forever they finally stopped. And ran away laughing. You got up picks up all your things, went to the bathroom and then cried for a good 10 minutes. When you were done you cleaned your self up and then made your way to class, when you entered then first pair of eyes you saw were Myles. You just kept your head down and went to find a seat.

"Ms. Y/L/N there is a seat by Mr.Parrish."


"Uh.. Okay" I said. When I took my seat next to Myles, Sarah gave me a dirty look. I just looked down ay my textbook. Myles tried to talk to me but I just ignored him. Finally class was over and I tried to make my way out as fast as I could. But Myles stopped me before I could get out the door.

"Hey, what's up. Did I do something wrong for you to ignore me?"

"No Myles, it's just... I don't think we should be friend anymore." Then I saw Sarah make her way to me and Myles. "My friend Sarah can show you around, instead of me" I said with a fake smile and then Sarah just pushed me to the side and was showing Myles around. As they where walking away he looked back at me with sad eyes and I just made my way towards my next class.
Part 2.?
Jessss or nah?
(Yes) (No)

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