"Don't mention it"

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A/N: Ok I'm going to take this time to formerly apologise for not updating. I haven't had time. I am so sorry. I promise i am going to make time especially for you guys every couple of days. If you guys could link my fanfic around if you have tumblrs and whatever, I would appreciate it so much. :))


Simon Cowell. That's who the groups mentor is. I talked to Becca, she claims it was all an accident and her ticket got messed up too. She's now with Demi Lovato and the young adults.

I've spent the past two days taking pictures of all the contestants. No one really talks to me, Except Keaton and Drew, Wes just gets all awkward. But it's okay, I like it this way.

It's 9:00am and I'm sat on the couch editing photos I've taken of the contestants.

"morning" Drew says as he joins me on the sofa.

"Hey Drew"

"Whatcha doing?" He says flicking on the t.v

"Editing photos of you" I say


"Really!" I say mocking him

"Here look"

I quickly get the derpiest looking photo of him and add a Santa hat to his head. I turn the laptop round so he can see.

"HA. HA. That's funny" he says sarcastically

"and the best part is, is that I get paid to do this!"

Drew scowls at me.

I laugh

"just watch your cartoons drew"

"Morning Keats!" Drew says

I look up and see Keaton walking in with only his boxers on.

"God. Keaton!"

"what" he yawns

"Put some clothes on" I say chucking him my sweatshirt which was lying on the floor.

He takes my sweatshirt and puts it on.

"Disgusting child" I say

Keaton laughs

"So what are we all doing today guys?" Keaton asks

"hmm, I dunno Keats, should we surf or skate today?" Drew asks

"Hold on, have you boys thought of what your going to sing for Simon yet?" I say interrupting

Drew and Keaton look at each other.

"Nope" they say together

"..what?" I say

"Look Ella we can pull a song from anything and we have a whole week" Drew says

"Yeah but the other groups have been working their butts off" I say

"Yes but Ella.. 3 of those groups have only just been put together.. We have a slight advantage" Keaton says

I sigh

"ugh, you boys give me a headache.. I'm getting a juice box"

"Get me one please?" Drew asks

I dump my laptop on the cushions and walk over to the kitchen that connects with the lounge. I go to the fridge and get two juice boxes and a yogurt for Keaton. Even though he didn't ask for one, I know he wants it. When I sit back down Keaton and Drew fighting over the remote to the T.V .

"Keaton, seriously, don't be an ass give it to me"

"Drew, I'm just watching one show, I'll give it to you after"



"YOU ARE SUCH A LITTLE---" Drew gets cut off by me

"Oh my god shut up, you sound like an old married couple"


"Drew. Seriously? How old are you? Grow up? Keaton don't be a little prick, give it back to him so there's no tears"

"He's such a little child" Keaton says


"This is someone else's problem" I mumble to myself

"OR WHAT?!" Keaton shouts back at Drew

I walk over to Drew and give him the juice box. I do the same with Keaton and the yogurt.

Drew and Keaton silently swap what they have.

I roll my eyes and grab my laptop.

"Bye." I say with no emotion

Drew and Keaton ignore me and continue to fight.

I walk down the hallway to my room. As I'm walking I pass Wes.

"Hey Ella!"

"Oh.. Hi Wes"

We both awkwardly pass each other. I look up at him and fake smile. I'm just at my bedroom door when..

"...hey..hey Ella?" he says putting his behind his head.

So close.


"Do you think you could meet me by the pool tonight? I know we don't get on well right now but I'd really like to be friends at least."

"Oh... Uhh.. Well... I really don't think that, that would be..."


I could run right into my room right now and not have to face this. Even though there is a tiny part of me wanting to say yes, I just can't.

"I'm sorry Wes.. I just.. Can't"

"Oh..Well you know that's cool, it was just an idea..bye"

Wes walks off with a sad look on his face. But he tries to cover it up with a smile. Only someone who has been through rejection before could recognize it. That's why I can. I feel terrible. I know what it's like and yet I still let him suffer the pain I went through. I'm not supposed to be making this relationship worse. I have to mend it back to friendship.

I can put my finger on it but there's just something I can't figure out.

All of a sudden I feel my hands getting sweaty and my head spinning. My head blacks out and I end up somewhere on the floor.

~1 hour later~

I wake up to find myself on the sofa again.

"aaaah there she is" Keaton says loudly

I look up at Keaton confused.


"Happened?" Keaton says finishing off my sentence

I nod and motion for to tell me.

"Well you we're at your room and then, we're only guessing cause' nobody saw you, then you must've fainted? Wes heard you fall and came running to see if you were ok. When he saw that you were on the ground unresponsive he picked you up and brought you here. We called a doctor and he said you would be fine, so yeah that's it really" Keaton says

I look at Keaton, eyes wide open and jaw dropped.

"Oh my gosh" I say in disbelief

"...Where is..uh Wes?" I continue

Keaton Points to the kitchen countertop. I turn around and see Wes sitting at one of the stools.

"Thank you" I say smiling

He smiles and nods politely.

"Dont mention it"

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