"I like you"

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A/N: guys I'm so so so so sorry it's taken so long to update, like I am so sorry, I wrote a chapter and was gonna update a few days ago but I ACCIDENTLY deleted it :(( so I spent the last few days re-writing this chapter. I have 5 days off for the Easter holidays so I'll be writing another chapter, MAYBE two, then. Thank you so much for reading and again I am so sorry. If you have any questions about the story don't be shy to message me :) HAPPY READING. (Don't forget to comment and VOTE :) )


We got back Wednesday. I slept that whole day. I went to school Thursday and Friday. Things were normal, and that bugged me. I had spent two amazing weeks away and just coming back to, to a normal setting isn't something I'm used to.

It's Saturday morning and I wake up to the smell of burning toast. Probably Nicole since she's been told to look after me until thanksgiving. That's when mum gets back from her business trip in New Zealand. It's not like I need someone to look after me, I'm 18, I could live by myself if I wanted to.

I roll out of my double bed. I tie my hair into a messy bun, put on my slippers, grab my phone off my bedside table then head downstairs.

The t.v's on and I hear Luke talking to Nicole in the kitchen. I walk in and Nicole gives me a smile.

"Hey sleepy head, want some breakfast?"

"Sure, thanks"

I pull up a chair next to Luke who's sitting at the bench top.

"Sup homie" I say lightly punching his shoulder.

"Sup girl"

"What are you doing here man? It's not like I don't like your company, but seriously, you're always here and it's getting annoying"

"Ella! Don't be rude!" Nicole says angrily

Luke laughs "I just wanted to see you kiddo" he says patting me on the back.

"Sure, bet you came over last night, got some, then wanted breakfast so you stayed"


Luke laughs hard at that comment "pretty accurate Ella"

I laugh too. "You two are so hard to understand" Nicole says.

Luke and I have always had a kid around relationship and Nicole has never been apart of it simply because, like she said, she can't understand it.

My phone buzzes with a text message.

Wes: morning beautiful :) can I pick you up in an 20 minutes? I want to take you on a date :).

I smile. It must've been really obvious because Nicole and Luke notice.

"Sooooo, who is it then?" Nicole asks

I quickly hide my phone in my lap.

"What?" I say trying to act stupid. I hadn't told Nicole about Wes yet and she'd most probably freak out because I claimed I hated him before I left, and also he's like Luke's cousin.

"Don't play games ella, who's the boy your all giddy about?" Luke asks

"Boy?" I ask still trying to play stupid

"Ella what aren't you telling me?" Nicole asks

"Nicole your toast is burnt, there, I said it"

Luke fake laughs and I don't even realise when he tries to snatch my phone from my lap. I try to grab it back but he's already got it. I practically jump on him but he holds it out so I can't reach it.

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