"He said he loved me"

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A/N: im really sorry guys! Wattpad was being weird and posted chapters 22/23 round the wrong way? So I'm re-posting chapter 23. I'm really sorry if this mucks the story up at all!! I love you guys though !!


I was let out of the hospital the next day. Nicole said she would look after me at home till I went to X factor. I'm glad she decided that, I probably won't be able to cope. I went to school as per usual on Monday. Katie and Carter knew about my accident and were careful to take great care of me. Carter was back to his usual self. The carter I liked. Katie and Keaton definitely had a thing but they didn't want to date whilst Keaton was at X factor.

Nicole and Luke decided on their wedding date. December 20th. Just after X factor.

Wes picked me up from school everyday (I wasn't allowed to drive because of my back) and took me some place new. Even if it was just to the beach, he would surf and I would take pictures.

Going to prom wasn't going to happen. As much as I did want to go, I realized I couldn't, I had so much to do with only a week left to do it.

On Wednesday they announced it'd be raining for the next two weeks. This usually happens in California. It doesn't rain all year then sometime in the last few months of the year, it just dumps down with rain, there's a cyclone, or just a really bad storm. I'm kind of glad though, I love rain weather, I feel comfortable with it.

It's Friday now. We finished school early today. Wes picked Katie and I up after school. They had a day off today, probably to set up for their prom I don't know.

Even though Katie was really close to Keaton, she doesn't talk to Wes a lot. She is able to talk to Drew now, but with Wes she still stutters, and her getting in his car, well, that's another story.

"You ok Katie?" I ask from the passenger seat.

"F-Fine thanks" She stutters

Wes chuckles. "You know Katie, even though you and Keaton are friends, we never spend time together, we should hang sometime"

I look at Katie in the back seat, her mouth drops "I-I-I- sure"

Wes laughs "Katie I know you're like a fan and everything, and I get that it's like surreal for you to meet your idols, let alone be in their car, but seriously I'm a normal guy" Wes says smiling in the mirror so Katie can see from the backseat.

"Yeah I know, it's just that I'm in a fandom and I keep having to hide that I know you guys and I forget sometimes"

"Why do you have to hide it?" Wes asks

"Because then they'll all start asking personal questions and stuff"

"Ehh who cares, I know you won't tell them anything they don't need to know" Wes says

A smile reaches Katie's face and so does a new found confidence.

"Hey why don't you spend a night with me, Keats and Drew and show us our fans? You can show us what tumblr is and we can do follow sprees and stuff"

Katie starts beaming, I think she's been waiting for this day her whole life. I've known Katie nearly my whole life and I've never seen her so happy before. Apart from when Keaton asked her to prom of course.

"Sounds great, after X factor though"

"Well, why don't you come to one of our live shows and help get people to vote for us"

A squeak escapes Katie's lips. I start to laugh. Shes totally unable to answer.

"I'll take that as a yes then" Wes laughs.

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