"Teenage love never really lasts"

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A/N: AHHH YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! this love has over 1k votes!! All thanks to you guys!! i love you all so much!!! like literally!

Keaton's P.O.V

So much had happened and I felt like I was going to explode. There was only so much a 16 year old boy could take.

Only a week ago I pretty much drowned and nearly died. I was saved by my brothers girlfriend. Well.. Ex girlfriend, I'm not really sure at this point.

It was supposed to be a normal day for surfing. I was just waiting for Katie - I was going to teach her to surf - but I did a stupid move and ended up hurting myself.

I was so grateful for Ella and her training as a lifeguard, and I guess her dog for noticing me. I still don't understand how a dogs can communicate with human beings like Ella's dog can.

Wes hasn't come out of his room for the past 3 days. He skipped 4 meals. I heard him come down once in the middle of the night for a glass of water but that was it.

He stayed in his room and was silent. Every once and a while you'd hear him getting up or start pacing the room.

Friday night you could hear the silent sobs coming from his room. I tried to go and comfort him but he had locked the door.

I know I should help him, but in a way I don't feel sorry for him. What he did was so wrong and it is his fault and his problem that he needs to fix by himself.

Yet I was fighting a war with myself. I so desperately wanted to help him, but I really didn't.

Things will figure themselves out. I thought to myself.

Wes will get over this just like he always has with any other girl.

But then again, Ella wasn't just another girl. I saw the way my brother looked at her with pure love. She was the only thing that made him want to get up for the day. She was the thing that kept him smiling. She was the thing that kept him happy. She was the thing that kept him whole.

She was also one of my closest friends.

Wes only thinks about himself sometimes. I mean what does this do with mine and Drew's relationship with her. She's not going to want to be around us anymore because she knows that being with us it'll most likely mean that Wes is with us.

I remember the first time I ever talked to Ella. That time on the plane, we just connected so easily and we've never looked back. We have inside jokes and sayings and I know it makes Wes jealous, so that makes it even better.

This is one of the only things that has made me genuinely angry at Wes.

I click out of my tumblr on my laptop then get up and head out of my room. 

I walk straight down the corridor to Wes' room. I silently pray that he forgot to re-lock his door when he went down to get water last night. I mentally thank god when I turn the handle and the door opens.

I scan the room for Wes' figure, I finally find him sitting down at his desk. His head is down and his shoulders are slumped over indicating that he is writing something.

"Wes" I say.

"What" he snaps not looking up.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm studying, now leave I have a lot to do" He says grumpily. His voice doesn't sound the same. It sounds broken.

"No Wes. What are you really doing. What are you doing about Ella" I say staying in the same spot looking at him.

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