"I really dont deserve you"

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The week so far had been pretty ordinary. It was Friday and I was pretty exhausted but I had to stay awake for school. Of course this week I spent as much as I could with Wes. If I wasn't with Wes, I was with Becca, and if I wasn't with Becca I was doing homework. Twice this week I spent a couple hours with carter. Even though I had a few classes with him, I felt bad that our friendship wasn't as it used to be before X factor. I still haven't told him about Wes though, I'm scared how he will react. Cater has never liked the guys I date.

I pull up at school at the only available spot left. Next to the cheerleaders. Goody. I get out of the car and try to ignore them but that is the complete opposite of what they want to do.

"Look it's Ella again all alone" a blonde one says. Of course they all laugh.

"Un loved so she comes to school by herself" another blonde one says.

I actually laugh to myself because their comments don't even phase me one bit. I just put down my sunglasses and continue walking. When I get inside I go to my locker for some of my textbooks. When I get there carter is there at his own locker.

"Hey bud" I say bumping him slightly so he will notice me.

"Hey whose this beautiful girl? Oh it's my best friend of course!"

I laugh carter and I have always had a relationship like this.

"Where's your first class?" I ask pulling out some of my books.

"History I think?"

I groan. "Does that mean I have history too?"

"Well we usually have history together so I'm gonna take a guess and say yes"

"Ew" is all I say

"Oh c'mon it's not that bad"

"Easy for you to say, the teachers love you so much they practically GIVE you the answers" I mumble

"Don't be hatin, took me a long time to get where I am now"

"Sure carter"

We walk into our history class and carter sits at the desk in front of mine like he usually does. 5 minutes later he turns around and faces me.



"Do you want to go on a date with me this weekend?" He asks catching me off guard. I nearly do a spit take with the water I was drinking when he asked.

I swallow my water. "What?"

"A date. Do you want to go on a date with me this weekend?"

"A-- a date? This weekend?" I stutter.

"Yeah, well actually tonight? My mum has a big dinner party thing and I'm supposed to bring someone. So will you come with me?" Carter looks at me desperate for an answer.

"I--I'm-- I'm sorry carter, I can't, I'm going out tonight"

"Oh right, ok, no worries then" carter looks hurt. He quickly turns around avoiding eye contact. I don't think he really knows what rejection feels like. I wasn't going to go on a date with him, I was dating Wes and besides I am busy tonight, I have Laraine's award thing tonight, I can't let her down by not going.

The day ends up being slower than usual. Carter didn't sit with me at lunch which bothered me, so I sat with my friend Katie who is about Keaton's age, she'd been a family friend for a while so I figured why not? She was a pretty girl, blonde hair that was close to a brown. Stunning green eyes, and a bubbly personality. Athletic too, she was on nearly every sports team the school had to offer.

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