"Are we having a group hug?"

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I sat in my math class tired as hell. I had, had a good amount of sleep but to be honest I wasn't in the mood for anything. Was I ever?

I literally jumped up when the bell went. I slowly dragged myself to lunch where Katie would be waiting for me.

Right I was, she was there, waiting for me as usual. I threw my bag down next to her.

"Sup" I groaned.

"Wow somebody's grumpy" she says

"Not grumpy, just tired"

"Why would you be tired? You didn't do anything all weekend, and you didn't come to school yesterday, you should be chirpy"

"Well I'm not"

"It's your period isn't it?" Katie says placing her hand on mine.

"Rack off Katie!" I laugh "So tell me about your weekend with, Keaton.." I smile.

Katie blushes. "I had tonnes of fun"

"Yeah? What did you guys do?"

"Just went to the beach and stuff"


Katie once again blushes.

"You really like him don't you?"

"Is it really that obvious?" She asks

"Well just the way your face lights up as soon as his name comes up is a dead give away"

"He's a cool friend"

"You friend-zoned him?"

"Well I'm still a fangirl over them, he only see's me as a friend and even if there is something, I don't want to force it"

"Fair enough, did you see him yesterday?"

"I skyped with him"

"Cute. Skype dates" I mumble

"What?" Katie asks obviously not hearing my comment.

"Nothing, just thinking" I smirk

"Have you talked to Wes?"

"No" I say fidgeting with my hands. I still feel really bad that I haven't. "I'm going to go see him after school though, you can come with if you want?"

"Really? Oh I wait I can't I have softball training"

"I'll take you tomorrow then"

Katie looks un certain.

"Stop worrying, just be at my car after school tomorrow and I'll take you"

Katie finally nods with agreement. "Carters coming" she says with a 'by the way' look.

I turn around on the bench and sure enough he is coming our way. I groan. 

I hadn't exactly planned out what I was going to say to him yet.

"Hey Ella, hey Katie!" He says slinking his arm around my shoulders. If feel uncomfortable under his touch, it's not the same as Wes. Actually it's completely different.

"How's it going?" Katie asks

"Great thanks, kiddo! You ok Ella?"

No carter. You are making me feel uncomfortable, you obviously have something against my boyfriend, you were making me think he's a bad person, yet you sit here as if nothing has changed. Oh and the fact that you hardly ever sit with Katie and I anymore, so why the sudden change?

"I'm great! Why wouldn't I be?!" Katie notices my sudden mood change and raises her eyebrow, but, thankfully, doesn't comment on it.

Lets not forget carter that your arm is uncomfortable on my shoulders.

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