"I cant let her go"

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A/N: You guys have been amazing so im updating again :) Idk i really like writing in wes' P.O.V. Again im really sorry if these next chapters are too full on but it has to be done. so when i was writing this chapter i had Keatons song "For you" playing so it'd go nicely if you play it in the background whilst reading this. the quick link to it is in the sidebar. Love you guys Stay Rad :))


Wes' P.O.V

Drew and I were in the living room jamming out to songs. Brianna had gone out of town with her friends and I had dropped Keaton in Laguna beach because he was meeting up with Katie. I had stopped over at Ella's house. She wasn't there but I noticed her surfboard wasn't there either so I guess that she was surfing and she preferred to be alone whilst surfing, so I drove back home.

Mum was in the kitchen cleaning up. I remember the phone ringing and mum answering it. At that point drew had told me something really funny which I cease to remember. But I remember laughing really loud. I looked over to mum who had just picked up the phone. I did that occasionally, just so she could give me a look to say it was for me.

I watched as she said hello. I watched as the colour in her face dropped. I watched as she dropped the phone. I watched as the phone smashed upon impact to the ground.

Drew stopped strumming his guitar at that point. He turned around to see what the matter was.

My mum then ran out of the kitchen. I placed my guitar down and went straight to my mum.

"Mum?" I asked my voice was shaky.

She just started breathing heavily as she tried to find her car keys.

"Mum? What's going on?"

She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "Keaton, he's been rushed to hospital"

I heard Drew get up from behind me. My breathing slowed. My mind blurred for a split second. Mum found her keys and we all rushed to the car.

Drew drove as mum told us what happened.

"He was surfing, then he got pulled into a rip. A lifeguard pulled him out, she had to perform mouth to mouth because he had stopped breathing. He is breathing now, thanks to the lifeguard but he has been drifting in and out of consciousness." She said shaking and tears rolling down her cheeks.

I remember wanting to be sick. My little brother had been hurt and I couldn't do anything to help him. Mum told us once we got to the hospital that we would probably be there before Keaton because we lived closer. We stood in emergency the waiting room. We couldn't sit. We wanted to be able to get to him as soon as he came through the doors.

I remember feeling somewhat relieved when he finally came through. Doctors weren't running with his gurney which meant he didn't need right away emergency attention.

I was walking a little bit behind his gurney. I remember hearing another gurney coming in close behind, doctors running and telling us and the people holding Keatons gurney to move to the side because their patient needed medical treatment right away. I stopped and stood up against the wall. I watched as they ran past with the patient and the gurney.

I saw her so peaceful. So pale. Eyes closed and it appeared that she wasn't breathing. I did a double take when I saw who it was. Drew saw who it was as well and turned to hold me back as I screamed out her name and fought to get to her.

I screamed and screamed her name, but she didn't hear. I still screamed out her name as I struggled against Drews hold. Drew put up a good fight. I wasn't going to give up. I screamed out her name more and more. I pushed and shoved but Drew wouldn't budge.

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