"i owe you an apology"

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A/N: hey guys!! I just wanted to apologise for the lack of updates, I have so many assignments at school that are due, it's not even funny but I'm trying really had to get chapters up!!! I just wanted to say that this story is more about Ella's and Wes' relationship thats why they got together early on in the story. just wanted to get that out there :) Please please please remember to comment and vote :)) love you guys!! xx ~~

There's not much to do now, except sit and wait. After Simon reveals his top 4 tonight, we go home first thing tomorrow, then in a month go to L.A for the live shows.

I can't even think straight right now. After I went to go see the boys, I went back to taking pictures, but it was hard to keep my concentration. When we had finally finished, I retreated back to my room and just started packing my things. The boys still haven't come out of their room. I've debated to myself multiple times whether or not to go and see them. Each time I've come to the conclusion not to see them. This is time they need to themselves.

I make sure all my things are packed so I don't have to pack them up tomorrow morning. Once I'm satisfied I walk downstairs to the lounge and wait there. Everyone's here,

Except emblem3.

They'll be here. They just need their time. I try and tell myself it'll be ok. Just as I'm lost in my thoughts I see them walk down the stairs. I watch every single step they take. I see a change in their expressions. They're all smiling.

Each of them, typically, split off and talk to the girls. Drew goes to sister c, Keaton fifth harmony, and Wes, well anyone who will say hi to him. So just about Everyone.

A smile reaches my face. It looks like they decided to fight through the pain.

I walk over to the fridge and grab a cold water bottle. I'm not really thirsty, it's just hot, and the cold bottle feels amazing on my dry hands.

I sit down at the stool on the bench and as I do Wes see's me and smiles. I return it with my own. I feel more relaxed now. Wes excuses himself from his conversation and walks over to me. He comes and stands next to me.

He leans up against the bench and takes a deep breath. "I think...I uh.... I think I owe you an apology"

I really wasn't expecting that. "For what Wes? Being upset? We all get upset, especially if its something to do with our dreams. It's ok Wes. I get it. I've been there before" I hug him without getting up from my seat and my face ends up being just above his torso. He wraps his arms around me and doesn't say a word. We only break apart when Simon comes into the lounge to speak to everyone. I get off my seat and stand like the queen just walked in. Well Simon cowell is practically royalty. The room falls silent and Wes grabs my hand.

Simon clears his throat. "I just wanted to say to everyone that you all did a fantastic job, and I'm not just saying that, I really mean it. This year has been super tough for me to pick my top 4, and I'm really sorry for my two acts that I have to send home, but unfortunately, at the end of the day, this is a competition and I have to pick the best acts. But good luck to you all, it's been a pleasure having you all in my category." And with that, Simon leaves.

Wes turns and faces me. "I don't think I can do this" he says looking pale.

"Hey, it's going to be fine, whatever happens you'll come out stronger. If you go home you'll only want this more making you fight harder than ever, same goes for if you get through, you'll just keep fighting to get to the top... But Wes.." His eyes have travelled to the floor. I lift his head up with both hands so he'll look at me. I continue once he looks at me "whatever happens, happens for a reason right?" I look at him. I don't even want to think about the thoughts running through his head right now. I kiss him on the cheek and wrap my hands around his neck. He puts his arms around my waist and holds me tightly. I rest my head in the crook of his neck.

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