"Nothing lasts forever"

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I pack the last of my things into my bag. My room looks empty. Everything that remains is clutter less and clean. It will stay this for the next few months.

I take my last bag downstairs then into the front seat of the car.

It stopped raining yesterday so its really clear out and its sunny and hot. Just how California should be.

Nicole stands outside with Luke's arm wrapped around her shoulder.  

I look at them with envy. A happy envy though, if that even makes sense. It's just that Nicole's gotten everything I've ever wanted and everything I've ever wanted for her.

I always wanted someone to be there at my side, to hold me like they'd never let me go. But we can't always get what we want.

"Ready to go E dog?" Luke asks trying to lighten my mood. I laugh anyway.

"Yeah, but don't ever call me E dog again" I say giving him a smile.

"Hah, right. Got it" Luke says laughing.

Nicole looks at me. She knows my game. She knows I'm trying to be happy even though I'm not.

To be honest I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know if what I did was right. It was going to happen at some point, so I just have to accept it.

"Pretend it's ok" Nicole whispers to me.

I nod an give a slight smile.

"I'll see you at thanksgiving" I say getting into my car.

"No! I'll be coming up to see you soon!" Nicole chuckles.

"Sure!" I say knowing very well that she won't.

"Bye Ella"

"Bye Nicole, see you Luke Skywalker"

Luke gives me a stare and I just laugh. I drive out and make my way to the beginning of my future.


Wes' P.O.V :

"This house is siiiiiick!" I say spinning round to get a full view of it all.

"Dude! This is our place for a few weeks!" Drew says excitedly.

"It's huge!" Keaton exclaims.

"Where's our rooms?" I say. No one says anything. We all just look at each other. We all simultaneously drop our bags and run for the corridor with all the rooms.

Keaton is the slowest and weakest so he ends up behind in our scramble. He puts up a good fight though. It's really just a brawl between Drew and I so we can get the nicer room. We finally break and run through rooms to find the nicest one. The one at the end is the last one we check and we both know it'll be the best so we both sprint for it. We end up pretty much attacking each other. We're like two boys fighting over Lego pieces. It's harder because Drew and I are laughing so hard, we aren't going to give up though. Drew and I just keep going at it, we really want this room.

"Woah boys! What's going on?! Stop!" I voice says from behind us. I know it's Ella without even looking. The sound of her voice is just so familiar to me. She tries to get between us to break us up. She knows it was play fighting, she's trying to hide a laugh. She stands in between us and holds at arms length away from each other.

"Right you two, what's going on"

"That's the nicest room" Drew says pointing to it and acting like a child because he wants it so bad.

Ella steps into the room and looks around it. "You're right, it is the nicest room in the house. Thanks!"

Ella closes the door in our faces and locks herself in on the inside.

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