The Backstory at DHX Studios

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Wally walked into the DHX Studios lobby looking confused by what Ruby said, she was here to save him? What on Earth is she talking about?

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Wally walked into the DHX Studios lobby looking confused by what Ruby said, she was here to save him? What on Earth is she talking about?

Ruby speaks emphatically to him using a passthrough.

"Just sit down on the couch." Ruby said,

He did what she said and sat down on the couch,

"I know the bullshit story they told you, if you find a trinket that's worth thousands of dollars in this place you can pay for plane and train tickets back to California so you can hire Dick as your new stage manager, right? It's all a lie! They said the same thing like that among other lies to countless others over the last 20 years. They baited you. You're here to be a human sacrifice. You're here to get killed and eaten, don't you get it?" Ruby asked,

He shakes his head. Ruby's frustrated by this.

"Why don't you understand?" She asked angry,

"Maybe he's new here." Alex said,

"Maybe if you knew what the Hell is really going on here you'd understand. This city has a dark history. And it all began with this horrible place that made the show..." Ruby explained,

(NOTE: The backstory text and backstory dialogue will be written in italic.)

20 years ago, Yo Gabba Gabba is bright, fun and inviting

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20 years ago, Yo Gabba Gabba is bright, fun and inviting. The Gabba Gang is brand new. The show is packed with an audience of lots of children.

"You know, Yo Gabba Gabba! may seem like a happy-go-lucky children's TV show much like The Banana Splits but even beloved kids' TV shows like that one had its dark secrets." Ruby explained,

Kids watch the TV screen as the Gabba Gang sing and dance on stage.

"One of the fans of the show had a father who goes by the name of Charles Lee Ray. Not Millie Lee Ray who's taking care of me but a different Lee Ray." Ruby explained,

" Ruby explained,

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