Chapter Three

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"Oh God! I thought I told her to come tomorrow. Why did she decide to show up today of all days." Bernard lamented as he paced up and down the room. One of his girlfriends, Tola, came to visit him while he was expecting Teemah.

He panicked as he paced up and down. He kept on muttering inaudible words in frustration. Musab watched in annoyance and disgust. 'How many girlfriend does he have self?' He muttered to himself. Musab watched happily and he silently prayed for the other lady to show up and meet him in his mess. She's definitely going to be pissed off. Musab smiled at the thought.

But guys like Ben always find a way out of their shit. They always seem to have their ways.

"Saab give me idea please. You know you're a genius right."

"Musab not saab" He corrected calmly. "And I'm not going to be involved in your crime. Me accepting your proposal in the first place is wrong, so deal with this yourself or I'll have to change my mind."

"Guy please now. You have to help me. I promise not to ask for any favours after this. My 'efiko guy'."

"Not that at these kinds of things. I'm having a mental block thinking about all the evil deeds you guys do"

"Musab why you dey reason like frog! When will you start thinking like an actual man."

"I'm sure you know I won't be helping you, so keep up with the insults." Musab said with a bitter smile and a glare.

"Musab ok, please, I'm really sorry for saying all that. Help me on this please."

Musab went silent for a while.

"You can tell this lady to leave and come another day."

"You think I wouldn't have done that if it's possible? No I can't!"

"And why exactly can't you do that?"

"That girl is plan B. Incase anything happens to plan A. The bet on that girl is a million and I'm not loosing it. One slight mistake and my competitors will snatch her away from me."

"Now I can see how crazy you all are. I mean what the heavens is wrong with you. This is so ridiculous!"

"I know!! So what do you say I should do then."

"Then cancel Teemah's appointment. Tell her to come another day cause you can't eat your cake and have it."

"I want to! That's the problem. I want to eat my cake and have it. How can I tell Teemah to come the next day that's an insult. I can't do that. She might even change her mind. It took me a year to woe this girl when I can have any girl I want at the snap of my fingers"

Musab sighed in irritation. "I don't know. My mind doesn't work criminally, I'm still striving to keep it pure."

"Musab I actually have an idea! Let me take Tola out with me and you'll help entertain Teemah when she arrives. What do you think? Cool right?"

"Heavens No! I can't stay with an non mahram alone!" Musab declared.

"Calm down okay! What are you talking about and what's non maa...rram? I don't get." Ben asked confusion written all over his face.

"Non mahram are those that are unlawful to you. it's unethical in my religion and it's a sin also to be with one alone without a third party. You know what they say when a man and a woman is alone, the devil is the third wheel, so I'm not taking chances even though I'm sure my intentions are pure" Musab explained.

"Haaaa!" What kind of religion is yours? Everything is practically forbidden to you guys. Please you won't have to stay with her for long. I promise I'll be back real quick."

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