Chapter Twenty One

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When life is being heavy on you, Take a deep breath, Go for yourself, Find the inner you, Talk to it, Make yourself realize that you’re worth it, And find peace in your soul’s silence.


For hours she cried, her world came crashing down. It's like everyone has turned their backs on her. She felt cold all of a sudden. Maybe she'll continue hurting those close to her. Maybe everyone dear to her heart will start leaving her one by one until she's left alone all miserable and lonely. All her families hated her right now, no access to her friends, and the only man that choose to stay with her is also the one who broke her.

"How are you feeling ma'am?" The voice of the nurse jolted her from her thoughts.

She replied with a sad smile and nodded briefly.

The nurse checked her vitals to be sure she's okay under the instructions of her husband. "Your husband told me to give this to you. He said I should make sure you eat and make sure you're very okay." She placed the food in front of her.

Fateemah sighed. "Where is he? Is he gone?"

"No ma, he's been here since they brought you in here and he hasn't left since." She replied and Fateemah couldn't help but pity him and feel guilty.

"What about his injuries. Has he been attended to already?" She asked with concern and the nurse couldn't help but smile. She could see the love between them, even though Fateemah kept denying it while Musab was all out with it. She assumed they were currently having a lover's quarrel which she suddenly felt a need to help them settle.

"You need to check that and see it for yourself if you're that worried about him. Should we allow him in?"

Fateemah sucks in a sharp breath. Her heart yearn to see if he's fine or not. At the same time her ego won't let her do that. She doesn't know what to do, she doesn't want him to find her vulnerable and at the same time she longs for his embrace.

"He's in pain. Anyone out there could see that. Your husband loves you so much, you have no idea. Please forgive him for whatever he's done and give him another chance. Please allow him to see you, he won't leave until you're discharged and you wouldn't want him spending the night outside on that cold chair. Forgive him please. He loves you and he's sorrry."

Fateemah's felt a pain in her heart. She truly doesn't deserve him at all. She's the one who's sorry. She's the one who has offended him so much. She's the one who has done nothing but cause him trouble and pain ever since and all he's ever done is love her. The only reason for her to be angry with him is now invalid. So he didn't betray her back then, it was all a misunderstanding. How did everything come down to this, how can she face him after learning the truth. She knew him reporting her to her parents was because he cared for her. Because he wanted to protect her, and because he loved her. Is she going to loose him just like she lost Sakeenah. If she kept denying her emotions and letting her ego rule over she's definitely going to. She can't deny all this anymore, she loved him too, she yearn to be close to him too. Even when she was angry with him, she never hated him. Her brain wanted to but her heart won't allow her hate him. So, she tried all she could to hate him and made herself believe that.

"I'm the one who has offended him. I don't think I can face him." Tears rolled down her eyes as guilt started eating her up from inside.

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