Chapter Sixteen

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This chapter is dedicated to that friend who's always there for you! That understands you the most and never leave your side even during the tough times. You're the best!

🌹 Enjoy! 🌹

"For us to live peacefully in this house we need some rules!"

"Fateemah what are you up to again. What rules and regulations?" He asked, trying so hard to keep his gaze limited to her face.

Fateemah pouted. "I thought you said there's nothing you can't handle when it comes to me?"

Musab sighed, remembering his words. "Yes I did but......"

"And you're trying to complain when the game hasn't begun yet." She grinned. "I think I like this. You'll make my work easier!" She said pointing the pen towards his front playfully.

"I'm not complaining and Fateemah.........."

"It's cariño! Did you forget?"

"Ok cariño, let's hear your rules."

Fateemah smiled again. "Okay babe!" She place the note on her crossed legs and starts numbering. "Rule nos1 you'll agree with other rules. Accepted?" She stared at Musab, a smile tugging at her lips.

"As long as your rules doesn't go against the islamic rules then I think I'm fine with it."

"Don't worry about the religion aspect, I know my religion well." She stated giving him a dry look.

Musab raised his eyebrows at her in questioning. "Oh, do you?"

Fateemah glared and hissed. "I don't have your time. Rule nos 2, no complain whatsoever. You won't complain about my actions or nag!"

"I do not nag, I think that should be my line! And I said as long as your actions do not go against the islamic doctrines then no problem!"

"And like I said I understand my religion better."

"Oh yeah you do!" Musab said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes. "Rule nos 3 you'll have to cuddle me every night we sleep."

Musab's eyes almost bulged out. He coughed. "What do you mean I'll cuddle you?"

"Well rule nos 2 says you'll have no complaints whatsoever. Have you forgotten dear husband?"

Musab huffed. "Yes but this is............" He trailed off.

"This is what? Does it go against the islamic doctrines?"

"No but............." He roamed his eyes all over her body and his hormones start getting alert. "Is this what you're going to wear every night?"

Fateemah stared down at herself. She feigned innocence. "Hmmmm, not really cause this is decent and I don't like decent clothes."

Musab almost choked on his spit. "This you're wearing is decent?" He asked.

"Yeah!" She replied with a shrug.

"You know for a few minutes back there when you started the rules, I thought your rules would be, Don't come close to me! Don't touch me and all that. Isn't that like what every girl does?"

Fateemah smirked. "Well, I'm not every girl and come on, isn't that going to be like a punishment to you? Me depriving you of the needful."

Musab narrowed his eyes at him. "In the real sense this is the real punishment. I would have preferred that instead."

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