Chapter Twenty Three

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What does that mean to you,
What calms your soul and put it at ease,
That relief hand in hand with satisfaction from things you do,
To me is that moment my forward kiss the ground,
In total submission to the only one I please,
And from the tears of my repentance I'm drowned.

~Rio. What put your mind at ease!

"Search everywhere and find me anything. Her movement, trace everything traceable. This is taking longer than expected!" Royhana barked at the girls and they all scrammed off.

"What if she's being kidnapped?" Haleemah lamented in concern.

"I don't think she's been kidnapped. We've checked with those guys and we're clear on that, one thing that baffles me is that her parents aren't showing any concern, and the last time I saw her, she received a call and her expression afterwards was baffling. She left in a hurry and she looked so scared. I think we need to look into her parents too, I think they should know something or what do you think?

"I think you're right about that, I mean if they haven't heard from her at all, they would have been bothered and her case must have been reported by now. Let's do as you say then."

The two of them agreed and royhana instructed the girls and they started working on it immediately, after three days they got an information that scared them all.

"Royhana, you won't believe what I just got!" Tola came in holding a tab.

"What have you got?" Royhana asked as she moved closer to her, curious. She showed her and she couldn't believe what she saw.

"Fateemah is married? This must be a joke. Are you sure about this? How's that even possible. The Fateemah I know is not even interested in....... Let's leave all that, let me see for myself." She run through what she brought and she was still in awe.

"I heard it was forced. Her parents forced her to marry the guy and from what I heard, I think her cover was blown."

"Oh my God, this is so bad!" She slumped to a nearby chair utterly surprised and shocked.

"I know the kind of family she's from and honestly her lifestyle is different from what and who her parents think she is. Fateemah isn't a bad or wayward lady. She's just doing this and risking everything, all for Sakeenah and other victims. She was going to tell her parents while she was in the army back at Abuja that she's interested in the military. She was...... Why on earth would they do that to her! How can they force her to marry someone she probably doesn't even know or like. I am so sorry this happened to you Fateemah but this is going to end now cause I'm coming for you!" She wiped her tears and stood up furiously.

"Get me everything you can on her husband!"

"Roy, one more thing again. Do you know anyone with the name Musab? He's deeply involved in all of this too."

Royhana was alarmed. The name!! How can she forget that name. She knew instantly  where the whole problem is coming from.

"Yes. I know the guy!! Now I remember! He's responsible for all this, he already threatened Fateemah and he did exactly what he said he'll do. How did I miss this!"

"I think we're getting somewhere with this. So what should we do. Do you anything about the guy? Tola asked.

"He's a student in the school, there might be plenty guys with that name in the school so search thoroughly and we're getting that mother fucker first. Get me anything on him. Everything on him and I want him here. Let's start from there first." She concluded and Tola also agreed with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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