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I half ran half walked to the bathroom. Knowing the symptoms all too well. Morning sickness, cravings for food that I wouldn't usually eat. I rummaged through the cabinet under the sink. Jeremy was standing behind me.
"You know, if u weren't so keen to want me, we might not be in here looking for a test," he said. I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Says the person who wrote 'uh oh',"
"That is not a dirty song,"
"She made the first move, she licked her lips and kicked of her boots, said boy what you wanna do, well I can think of a thing or two. You're telling that it's not even a little bit dirty," I replied, now going through the draws looking for a test. "Found it," I said and rushed to our toilet. I was nervous.
"Whats Mum doing?" I heard Julie asked. She was four and a great talker.
"Well, she might be having a baby in her belly,"
"How did it get there?"
"Umm-errr-I- uh- I'll tell when your older," I heard Jeremy say. His voice a little bit more high pitched then usual. I came out of the toilet a while later.
"It said positive,"
"Jules, guess what?"
"What?" She said.
"Your going to have a little sibling," she smiled.
"If it's a girl can we name it Flynn and if it's a boy we should name it Finn," Jeremy asked.
"Fine but I'm picking the middle name," I said.
"Fine by me,"

My Brothers Friend (JATP Jeremy Shada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now