Bullying trouble (High school AU) 2/3

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Genre: AU & Fluff
Status: Crushes
Word count:1998
Warnings: Bullying & homophobic slurs
Takes place: in a High school AU
*Note. This is a high school AU but it's not a love story between a bully & victim*
Chris- Senior 18
Jimmy- Senior 17
Karl- Junior 16
Chandler- Junior 16.
Maddy- Junior 17

Chris and Karl have been friends for a couple days now. They met on Monday and it it now Wednesday. Every morning Chris goes to find Karl to talk to him and talks to Karl after school and during class changes (he's been late a few times just so he could walk Karl to class). He even convinced Karl to come to school earlier today so he can meet Maddy (as she has been driving him crazy about meeting Karl). Chris had also promised that he'd wait by his locker for when he got there. It was 7:32 and karl said he'd be there in a few minutes. Chris was talking to Maddy and Jimmy. Also they had a small surprise for Karl. With a lot of work and effort they had gotten the spray paint off of the locker so it no longer said "fag".

Karl POV

I felt a little nervous today, my reason was I had never come to school this early while the halls were empty and I was about to meet one of Chris's friends. Well more specifically his best friends girlfriend. I felt a little awkward walking into the building. My locker was on the second floor which is where they should be but in my way I ran into someone I really didn't want to see.
Author note (these characters are made up for the story I couldn't make anyone from the mr beast crew or dream smp bad)

"Hey look it's the faggot" Jason said. Jason is 6'3, a jock on the football team and he had black hair and tan skin. He was also a huge asshole.

"Heard you've been hanging around Chris and Jimmy" Sage said. He's 6'1, paler skin, blonde hair and is the best on the track team. He's also a massive douce bag. "What are you Tryna do, get a hook up hoe". I sighed grabbed my book bag straps and went to head up the steps but of course Jason decided to grab the back of my book bag and yank it causing me to stumble backwards.

"We weren't done with you yet fairy" I heard sage say. I felt scared but I have learned to not let them see that I'm scared. That only makes it worse.

"Oh fuck off I got things to do"  I said going back up the steps but Jason tugged me back down, grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pinned me to the wall. I could hardly breath and knew I made a mistake.

"Who the fuck do you think your talking to you god damn fag" Jason growled an inch from my face. I was terrified to say the least. "I'm going to make your gay ass regret ever being born" he threatened and then I got an idea. A dumb and scary one but an idea non the less. As long as I can run to my locker I should be good. When Jason went to hit me I kicked him right between the legs. He still managed to hit the side of my face so I was definitely going to have some sort of bruise. Before sage knew what had happened I bolted up the stairs as Jason dropped to the floor. A few moments later I heard sage chasing me so I had to hurry, this was terrifying and I had serious adrenaline Right now. I saw my locker and sure enough Chris, Jimmy and who I'd assume to be Maddy were standing by it. I bolted over to them and they we're definitely confused until seeing sage...

"Dude what happened" Jimmy asked me

why does your face have a bruise" Chris quickly asked

"You Fucking Faggot Get Back Here" Sage shouted after turning the corner glaring at me as I basically stood behind Chris.

"T-That's why" I said feeling timid. I really didn't want them to find out but I was not about to get beat up at 7:40 in the morning.

"Is he the one who wrote fag on your locker" Maddy whispered to me and I nodded my head. Sage had stormed over towards us and I felt myself basically hide behind Chris.

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