Who He is (Trans Karl Au (FtM)

566 16 4

Genre: Au & fluff
Word count:
Status: Dating
Warnings: none
Takes place: At Karl's house
thanks to Moody_Death13 for the idea.
*in this Karl's 5'8 and doesn't work for the beast crew*

Karl's POV
I'm nervous to say the least. Chris is meant to be coming over soon and I have something huge to tell him. Something I'm scared he might break up with me over. Telling him his 'girlfriend' is actually his boyfriend. I know he likes boys and girls but he's never mentioned anything about if he's into trans people to. We've been dating for two years and I'm afraid he'll find it weird, I mean he's addressed m as a girl the entire time. What if he finds it weird that I'm actually a boy? What if he can't get used to me being a boy? What if he hates me?. What if he already knows? I wouldn't put that past him, he's not an idiot and I'm not exactly the best at hiding. I mean I always wear mens clothes, recently I cut my hair from being at my waist to being just below my ears, I wear binders, and I haven't acted 'girly' in a while.  I'm just assuming the worst, if he does know and hasn't left me he's probably ok with it right? I mean he's made it very clear people can be who they want and I doubt me being trans changes that but still. I'm scared. He means everything to me and the smallest idea of loosing him would kill me, I wouldn't be where I am without him, he's always been by my side , if I loose him I swear, I'm going to die. I heard a knock on the door.

A knock on the door...

He's here

Chris POV

"Hey love" I said once Karly opened the door. She smiled as I walked inside but I could tell something was up. She hasn't been herself recently and seems very nervous of something. I'm going to be honest, I feel like she's trans. I'm not going to ask her directly, she can come out when she wants to, but at the same time I want to know she's ok. Wether I'm calling her my girlfriend or him my boyfriend. "Karly, are you alright, you seem nervous". I asked concerned, sitting next to her on the couch. She fidgeted with her hands.

"Well there's-" she took a deap breath. "There's something I... I need to tell you". She stuttered out and looked at me. I could see she was nervous so I held her hand.

"Princess, whatever it is, I'll love you no matter what" I said calmly and she took a deep breath and said quickly.

"I'm trans" he looked at me and I just gave him a small smile. He looked nervous and confused.

"Does this mean I have to call you prince now" I joked lighting his mood. "Because I've gotten used to princess". We both started laughing and he hit me in the arm.

"Really, that's how you react" he asked once we stopped and i shrugged.

"What, it's a genuine question, need to know what to call my amazing boyfriend" I said and pulled him on my lap. "But seriously, I'll love you no matter what, you being trans will never change that". I saw him tear up and hug me. He laid his head on my shoulder.

"Your seriously amazing, you know that" he said hugging me and I smiled hugging him back. We stayed like that for a while until he eventually got off of me.

"I do have a few questions" I said and he nodded. "So what's your name now, I'm guessing your no longer Karly". He nodded.

"It's Karl now, I just took off the Y" he said happily.

"Wow, lazy much" I joked and he hit my arm. "Im joking, the names cute and I like that it's not completely different from your old name".

"Thanks, that's kinda why I chose it" he admitted. "I'm used to being called Karly so I didn't want something to different so I went with Karl.

"Your still gonna have the issue of people spelling it with a C though" I joked and he laughed. I knew he was nervous before I got here so I was trying to make this as light hearted as I could. He deserves to know he doesn't have to be scared because he was born the wrong gender.

"Yea I know, the burden of my name follows me no matter what" he joked back. I decided to ask another question.

"I know I joked about this earlier but are you alright if I still call you princess" I asked. "If not I'll find another nickname". He thought about it for a second.

"I'm ok with princess but only by you" he said. "The nicknames special, you've called me that since we met I don't think I could ever have you not call me that". He looked at me happily. "At this point it's lost the actual meaning of the word".

"Who said men can't be princesses" I joked and earned a small laugh from Karl.

"Fairy tails, royals, and the definition" He joked.

"Fairy tails aren't real and are stuck on the past, The royals are insets half the time, I doubt being females the only requirement, and definitions change". I joked and repeated "So who said men can't be princesses".

"You got me there" he said and we sat there for a bit. It was silent but it felt nice. Karl laid his head down on my lap and I smiled at him. He was adorable.

"Hey Karl, what pronouns do You use" I asked "same ones people use for me or something different".

"Same ones, im a he/him" He said confidently.

"What's your sexuality, I know as a girl you were straight, so does that mean your gay now or are you something else".

"I'm gay" he said. "I still only like guys, I've never been into girls or any other gender. Guys are just amazing".

"I think you like guys a little to much" I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes still smiling. I decided to ask another question. "When did you realize you were a boy" I played with his hair while he thought for a moment.

"Basically my whole life but I assumed I was just a tomboy until a couple months ago." He explained. "Being 'girly' just wasn't meant for me".

"Being a girl wasn't meant for you" I joked and he laughed.

"You've joked about this quite a bit" Karl pointed out and I shrugged.

"I don't see why you should have to be nervous when you were born incorrectly" I explained. "Making it more light hearted seemed to calm you down a lot and quick".  Karl smiled.

"I love you" he said. "I couldn't ask for anyone better, your an amazing boyfriend". I smiled at him.

"I love you to" I said back. "And I couldn't ask for anyone better either, you used to be an awesome girlfriend and now your an awesome boyfriend". Karl smiled at me and honestly, I couldn't ask for anyone better. No matter what he identifies as one things for sure....

....I'll always Love him, no matter what.
Did y'all like my first ever trans au. I wrote this last night and honestly it turned out better then I thought. Also I Am Back. I have caught up on school work and enjoyed my break. My school has currently gone viral so that means im stuck at home so I'll most likely be writing more. Posts will be more regular and I can't wait to get back to writing. Now ima hurry and lost this because I'm at 1%. With that said you are legally required to have a good day/night 💚

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