Met at a bar (stranger AU)

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Genre: Au & fluff
Status: Strangers
Word count:1122
Warnings: harassment, drinking.
Takes place: At a club. (In this Karl doesn't work for the beast crew or know them)

Karl didn't want to be here. He was only here because his friend Alex (quackity) had just turned 21 and he needed a safe ride home. Karl saw Nick (sapnap), Alex, George, and Clay (Dream) having fun at the club. (Nick&Alex are dating and so is Clay&George) He sat at the bar near the corner scrolling on his phone. He was glad his friends were having fun but he was board. After a bit a drunk girl came and sat next to him. (Made up character)

Karl POV

"Heyyyy" the girl said. She was definitely drunk. "Your a cutie, what's your nameee~".

"Oh um, I'm Karl" I said not really knowing what to do. I mean what do you do when a drunk girl is trying to flirt with you.

"Karl, that's a hotttt name~" she then called for the bartender. "Do you want a drink, cutie".

"Oh I don't drink" I said, hoping this girl would go away. "I'm only here to drive my friends home".

"Pleeeaaaseee" she slurred. "Just oneeee drink". The bartender had come over and was confused. "Two Margaritas pleeease". She nodded and got the drinks and went back to work. I slid my drink over to the girl. "What".

"I can't drink" I repeated. "I'm here to drive my friends home". She seemed to get pissed off and I was kind of scared.

"Why notttt~" she said quite loudly. "Do you think I'm ugly or somethinggg". She seemed to be somewhat crying. Some people were definitely looking.

"No it's not that" I said quickly. Dealing with a random drunk girl is one thing, dealing with an EMOTIONAL random drunk girl is a complete other thing and I didn't know what I was doing.

"Then why won't you fucking drinkkkk with meeee" she basically yelled. The bartender had called the bouncer over here.

"I can't drink, I'm here to drive my friends home". I said to her again.

"What's going on here" the bouncer said to the bartender.

"These two are causing a scene". She said. The girl kept flipping out at me and the bouncer grabbed her so she would stop.

"Are you leaving willingly or do I have to drag you out to". He asked.

"I-uh" I didn't know what to say. I couldn't leave, I had to drive my friends home but this guy was 6'3 and looked really strong.

"He has to drive his friends home" a random person said. I looked and saw a guy with brown hair who looked about the same height and age as me. "This girl wouldn't leave him alone".

"Are you with him" the bouncer asked the guy.

"Yes" he lied to the bouncer. "His names Karl and I don't know who this girl is".

"Is your name Karl" he asked me.

"Yea" I answered.

"Ok, I'll let this slide but don't get into anymore trouble kid" the bouncer said and I nodded. He left with the girl and the guy from before sat next to me.

"Thanks" I said. "You know you didn't have to do that. He sat in the stool next to me that the girl was sitting in.

"No problem and that girl wouldn't back off anyways". He said. "Oh and I'm Chris by the way."

"I'm Karl" I said and then remembered.. "wait you already know that". He laughed slightly. God why am I awkward.

"So you know, I overheard you tell crazy lady your name". He said. "I'm guessing you didn't know her".

"I didn't" I said. "I didn't know it would be that hard to tell someone you can't drink".

"Well when your that good looking, it's pretty much impossible". He said. My brain took a minute to process what he said and then I blushed. He laughed slightly so I knew he noticed. "Guessing you don't get complemented often".

"Pretty much" I said. "And whenever I do it's someone flirting and it's inappropriate".

"Someone" he questioned sounding intrigued.

"Oh um ya" I said slightly awkward. "Boys and girls".

"Oh, cool" he said. "What things are you into".

"What I'm into" I questioned.

"Ya like what do you do, hobbies, job, etc" he said.

"Oh I play video games a lot and I'm a streamer on twitch" I said. "What about you".

"I do YouTube and also play games a lot" he said. We continued talking about random stuff for the remainder of the night.

Karl POV Few hours later

"That's really cool" Chris said sounding impressed. Clay came walking over.

"Hey Karl, I think it's time to go now" he said.

"Ok but why" I asked confused. All he did was gesture to Alex yelling at the bouncer and Nick trying to stop him.

"Alex drank to much" he said. "And he got into a fight because a girl was flirting with Nick". I sighed and got up.

"Hey before you go, can I get your number I'd like to see you again some time". Chris said.

"Oh um sure" i said and handed him my phone. He typed his number in and handed it back. While doing that clay gave me a knowing look. "Hope to see you soon".

"See ya cutie" he said as me and clay left. I was also blushing while leaving.

"Wow getting yourself a boyfriend huh" Clay said.

"N-no I'm not" I said flustered.

"Your no longer the only single one now" Clay said. I elbowed him as we saw Alex get kicked out of the bar. Nick walked out with him and George came over somewhat stumbling.

"Alex got kicked out babe" George said looking tipsy and tired. "Can we leave now".

"Yea" Clay said and looked at me. "Don't text your boyfriend while driving now".

"Oh shut up". I said flustered as we left.

"Wait you got a boyfriend". George asked. "Finally".

"I do not" I said blushing. Clay rolled his eyes.

"Explain why your blushing" he said. "And he called you "cutie" When you left".

"I hate you" I said blushing as we left. I looked at my phone while leaving and saw Chris texted me.

Hey, you wanna hang out tomorrow?
I'd like to get to know you more

I felt myself blush as I walked towards the car.

Sure sounds fun

Clay was looking over my shoulder.

"Going to his house" he said and whispered. "Make sure to wear protection". I hit him in the arm.

"Im not going to do THAT, weirdo". I said quickly and flustered. I couldn't wait until tomorrow though.

This is probably my favorite oneshot. Do y'all like it?. Also do you guys have any ideas for other oneshots because I'm starting to run out of ideas. Also THANK YOU on 127 reads. I can't believe people are actually reading my writing. Now make sure to have a good day/night 💚

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