What happened?

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Genre: fluff & kinda angest
Word count:800 (I know finally a oneshot not a novel)
Status: Crushes
Warnings: drinking. Alcohol. (Idk what warnings would be here)
Takes place: at Chrises house after a party.

Karl POV

I woke up confused, I'm in different clothes, and my head hurt so I'm guessing I was hung over. I was also laying in a bed that wasn't mine. I sat up and swung my legs over but regretted that immediately, my head hurt so bad.

"Karl"'I heard someone say. I then realized it was Chris. "Are you ok".

"Other then this hangover yea" I said looking at him. "What happened".

"I learned what happens when you mix strong alcohol with an idiot". Chris said then explained. "You and Chandler tried to out drink each other".

"I'm guessing I lost" I asked feeling my head throb. Chris sat next to me.

"By a looooong shot" Chris said. "You have no tolerance".

"Did I do anything stupid". I asked. After I did I saw Chris go bright red. I'm taking that I did something real fucking stupid, and most likely to him. "Chris" I questioned but my head hurt to much so I put it in my hands. He noticed.

"Do you need a painkiller" he asked standing up, changing subject.

"Y-yea" I said.

"Ok I'll get you one" he said. "You lay back down ok".

"O-ok" I said laying down on the pillow. I was so confused. What happened last night. After a few minutes Chris came back with a pill and cup of water. I sat up and took the pill. "I feel like I'm dying". I then swallowed it.

"You look like it to" Chris said sitting down on the bed. There was an awkward silence after. A few moments later I asked.

"What did I do last night". I wanted to know because well, it seemed like I did something stupid. Chris looked down seeming awkward. Like he didn't want to say it. Eventually he sighed and said.

"Well for one you kissed me" I went red instantly. He continued slightly blushing. "After the alcohol set in you got really flirty with me, kissed me twice, and kept saying you loved me and that you had a thing for me". I felt embarrassed to say the least...

"I-I'm so SO sorry I-I didn't mean to I just-" I blurted out flustered and embarrassed. I REALLY KISS HIM, FLIRT, AND CONFESS. I wanted the world to swallow me whole. I didn't realize I had started crying until Chris hugged me.

"Karl its ok I promise" Chris said calmly seeing me upset. "If it helps, nobody really saw any of it".

"W-what did people s-see".I said while still upset. Chris wiped the tears off my face.

"A little bit of flirting that can easily be assumed as you being drunk". Chris explained calmly while letting go of me. "Are you alright now". I nodded my head.

"I-I'm sorry I just-" I looked down at the floor feeling my heart race slightly. I loved Chris and I felt horrible, I mean seriously I FLIRTED with him, KISSED him and CONFESSED to him while DRUNK. Chris gave me a soft smile and held my hand.

"Karl Jacobs, I promise it's ok" I kept rambling some nonsense until Chris cupped my face and made me face him. I swear my heart stopped. Then he kissed me. When we separated a was speechless.

"Now" he said. "I'm guessing you meant what you said last night". I nodded still being unable to speak. He gave me a warm smile. "I love you Karl, and I always have, I want you to be ok, alright." I hugged, well more like tackled, him ignoring my hangover and my confusion. Right now I just wanted to be with Chris.

"I love you and I'm sorry that you found out from me being drunk." When I let go I realized Chris was leaning on the wall and I was on his lap straddling him. He smiled at me and said

"At least I found out"

"I love you idiot" I said while blushing. "Hey Chris, what does this make us".

"Well what do you want us to be" he asked. We both were blushing at this point.

"Boyfriends" I said looking at him. "Will you be my boyfriend Chris Tyson". Chris cupped my cheek and looked at me in the eyes.

"Absolutely" we then kissed again. This time longer and more passionate. It felt amazing and I loved every moment of it. Whatever embarrassment happened last night was worth it to have this moment.

To finally be able to call Chris Tyson mine.

And done. Sorry if this one seems a bit bad but idk what I was doing. It's 1 in the morning and I'm writing this because I can't sleep. (I'm gonna be really tired in school tomorrow) but I hope you all enjoyed this otherwise. Also THANKS on nearly 200 reads. When I started writing this I thought a few people would read it but I mever thought I'd have this many so thank you. And with that said you better have a good day/night 💚

Chris x Karl oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now