Meant for him, not her 1/2

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Genre: angest & fluff
Word count: 1809
Status: Crushes
Warnings: none
Takes place: At Chrises house.
*in this Katie and Chris are dating, some of this is in Katie's POV and Karl and Chris live together)

Katie's POV

"Here I go, you can do this Katie" I say to myself while standing in front of my boyfriends door. My sister drove me here and was parked two houses down. I was not looking forward for what I was about to do. I love Chris, I really do but I know we're not meant to be. I thought we were since we started dating at 16 but when he met Karl i could tell things would change. I can see he's starting to fall for Karl and vise versa. I know Karl loves Chris because he told me. It was by accident and it was because I confronted him on it. He got all nervous but I told him it was ok, I just needed to know the truth so he gave me the honest truth. I'm not upset with him, he's a sweet, honest, funny guy and he's been trying to hide his feelings since I am with Chris, I want Chris to be happy and find love... even if it's with him and not me....

I took a deep breath did the one thing I've been dreading....

...I knocked on the door.

Chris POV

"Hey Babe, didn't know you were coming over tonight". I said seeing Katie standing in my hoodie and her sweat pants. She gave me a slightly worried smile and walked in. "Karl's at his brothers house right now so you had perfect timing". I said as we sat in the living room. I noticed Katie didn't seem like her normal self.

"We need to talk" she said looking at me. "About us". I felt my face loose color once those words came out. Those words never end good.

"About us" I asked slightly worried. Katie looked at me and I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Chris, do you still love me" she asked honestly.

"Yea, I'll always love you"

"No like, are you still in love with me" she said and I paused. "Like back when we were teens". I continued thinking. Was I still in love with her? I cared for her but recently things have, well faded and those faded feelings have been coming back with someone else.

"Well-" I was cut off by her.

"Don't lie".  I sighed and looked at the floor. I couldn't face her with what I was about to say. She could tell what I meant without me needing to speak. "I had a feeling you didn't love me like that anymore" she said with sadness laced in her voice, looking at the floor to. We sat there, her trying to get her voice and me not knowing what to say. She took a deep breath and spoke, her still staring at the floor and I looked up. "Are you in love with someone else". I froze. The honest answer was yes. I'd been falling for Karl for a few months now. I took a deep breath knowing I was about to break her heart even more. I looked at the floor and spoke.

"Yes" I said honestly and felt both pain and relief once I said it. "Katie i love you, and I always will but the last few months I've been, well I've been falling in love." I did the thing I feared and faced her. I could see the hurt but she didn't react how I expected. She still seemed calm, just was hurt with tears falling down her face.

"Is it Karl" she asked and I felt my Heart stop and face go red. She looked at me and could tell. She let out a kind of laugh, like a pained one. "Chris I know you love Karl, I see the looks, the touches, the talks, the 'insults',the blushing, just everything". She continued. "I'm not mad at either of you, love is love, but I know I should say something to avoid getting hurt more".

"I never meant to hurt you"

"I know you didn't" Katie said. "Just like I don't mean to hurt you with what I'm about to say".  I nodded knowing the words she was about to speak. The words I both needed and dreaded to hear. "We were perfect together, I loved the 7 years we spent together but, at the end of the day.. your meant for him, not me". She stood up and looked at me with a hurt but happy look.

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