Truth or Dare (high school AU) 💬

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(Added 7-14-22: their writing a mr beast oneshot book and you should check it out if you like their writing)

Genre: Au
Status: Crushes
Word count: 4447
Warnings: but of lemon (what'd you expect, it's truth or dare)
Takes place: in Jimmy's room.
Chris- Senior 18
Jimmy- Senior 18
Karl- Junior 17
Chandler- Junior 17
Katie- senior 17
Maddy- Junior 16
Cara- Junior 16
*in this Au Maddy and jimmy aren't dating and Chandler and Cara aren't dating. There just crushing on each other*

Chris, Jimmy, Karl, Chandler, Katie, Maddy, and Cara were spending the weekend at Jimmy's house since his parents weren't home. They were sitting on the floor playing spin the bottle. But they changed the rules to be whoever spins the bottle has to ask truth or dare and whoever it lands on has to choose truth or dare. Your not aloud to ask for a different truth or dare or your out of the game.

Karl POV

"Truth or dare Karl" Maddy asked slightly taunting when the bottle landed on me. We have a bet going on. Whoever admits they have a crush and who it is has to present are school project. (Neither of us want to do it but we're paired together).

"Truth" I said not trusting her dare. She smiled.

"Who's your crush" she said confidently and I felt myself go red.

"Dare" I said and she rolled her eyes thinking of something.

"Wow don't trust us enough to say who it is" Chris picked. I glared at him and playfully shoved him.

"No because you never shut up" I sarcastically said back.

"I got one" Maddy said with a smirk. "Sit on the lap of the person you thinks the hottest until we've all gone again" I went bright red.

"Damn Karl she got you their" Jimmy joked. I either tell who my crush is which is an obvious no or I basically let Chris know I find him hot because I am not gonna try and lie about that. I thought for a moment before I stood up and sat in Chris's lap. He leaned back slightly and readjusted so I was more comfortable.

"I hate you Maddy" is all I said as I was the color of a tomato. Everyone laughed.

"You know you love me" she said. I grabbed the bottle and spun it.

"Truth or dare Katie" I asked and she immediately said.

"Dare" her and Chris have this bet on whoever chickens out of a dare first has to do the others homework for a week.

I thought for a moment. "I dare you to put a spoonful of pepper in your mouth for 1 minute"

"I'm gonna die" she said.

"You could always choose truth" Chris picked and she rolled her eyes.

"Never" she said and pointed at Jimmy. "Get me the pepper and spoon" she said in a fake royal voice and we all laughed slightly. Jimmy got up, grabbed the stuff and came back. Katie opened the pepper and put a spoonful in her mouth. She basically suffered and danced around for a minute before spitting it out and rinsing her mouth out.

"Fuck you Karl" she said sitting down and spun the bottle.

"Truth or dare Cara" she asked.


"Who in this room do you dislike the most in this circle other then me and give three reasons why" Katie Asked. "I'm saying that because you probably hate me for this question".

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