Stumbling drunk (Stranger AU 1/2)

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Genre: Au
Word count: 1686
Status: Strangers
Warnings: Drinking, puking
Takes place: In a parking lot

Karl POV

Here I am, walking along the road by myself, being drunk. You might be wondering how I got here and why I'm doing this... well, as you can guess I went out drinking. Today, or was is yesterday? I honestly don't know. Anyways It's Nicks 21 birthday so me, him, Clay, George, Alex, Wilbur, and Floris decided that we'd go out drinking. At some point are group ended up splitting up so I don't know where they went. As you can guess I got a little to drunk and decided I wanted to go home. George is the one who drove us here, plus I'm to drunk to drive so I can't drive home, my phones dead so I can't call an Uber or anyone, and I'm to drunk to make smart choices. So that's why I'm walking home, alone, in the middle of the night, not thinking straight, and I've puked on the side of the road twice. Hopefully nothing happens because my brain isn't working and I'm as strong as a baby.... Yea I shouldn't be walking this late... where even am I, I'm in some sort of parking lot.

"Hey, are you ok man" a voice says as a guy who's about my height, has dark brown hair, and is wearing a Hoodie and jeans walks over to me. I turn to look at him and stumble a bit. He's kind of cute.

"Oh- y-yea" I say and then cough. I feel like shit.

"You don't seem ok" he says helping me keep my balance as we walk over to his car . I lean against it. "I'm guessing you've been drinking".

"Is it- is it that obvious" I asked and he nodded. I felt my eyes get a bit heavy.

"You look like your about to pass out" he said honestly. "That or-" before he could finish I coughed again and puked on the floor. I stumbled forwards but luckily the guy stopped me. "-puke".

"I-I'm sor-" "sorry" I said feeling bad. Luckily I didn't puke on his car but unluckily I got puke on my shirt.

"It's alright" he said kindly and asked. "So, Why are you walking alone at night".

"My phones- d-dead-" I paused and swayed slightly. "I-lostmy friends to—" He nodded and asked.

"So, do you have any way home"' he asked and I shook my head, feeling nauseous.

"N-no" he paused and thought for a moment. While he did I stumbled forwards and he caught me. He looked concerned.

"Do you want a lift"'he asked and I thought about it.

"Sureee" I said and he asked.

"Where do you live" I thought for a moment. I forgot.

"I don't— I don't remember" I said swaying slightly. I drank WAY to much.

"Wow, you must be wasted" the guy said suprised and I nodded. Then I sneezed. "And catching a cold" he said and then asked. "I'm guessing you don't have a jacket".

"N-nooo" I said. "I just- I just got a t shirt and jeanns" he nodded and then took off his hoodie, revealing the red T shirt underneath.

"Here, change into this" he said kindly. I looked a him confused. "Your shirts covered in puke and I don't think catching pneumonia while being wasted is a good idea". I agreed and struggled to take my shirt off. Luckily the guy helped me and then put the hoodie on. It was a bit baggy but I liked it.

"Th-thank youu" I said and stumbled a bit, him helping me stand.... The alcohol was really setting in.

"Do you have anyone you can call" he asked and I shook my head.

"I don't" "remmemmber there numbersss". He nodded.

"What kind of place do you live at" he asked and I thought.

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